Gorilla Alarm TILT sensor = Frustrating!!!!!


New Member
So i got the alarm installed all good , but the damn tilt sensor doesn't trigger. I've tried numerous different angles of mounting as shown in the picture and even some that aren't shown. I can't get it to trip. Not that i feel it is necessary with the shock sensor more than capable of handling the duty of detecting the bike being relocated without permission. I have armed the alarm properly each time by pressing 3x to disable the shock and let the tilt sensor do its thing. Just feel like it was a waste to add the tilt sensor if it doens't work right. Good idea, bad execution? Maybe i got a bum tilt sensor?

Thoughts? :confused:

Oh yea and the siren is the suck when it goes off in your garage!!!
Just make sure you connect the hand gun trigger under the seat to the clutch lever... he might try to steel your bike once, but it will be the only time! :iconbeer:

I have a sharp pointy object on a shaft that goes up and down. Gives them a thrill while drilling them. It also removes their ability to fart ever again.
Ha i wish there were a practical solution that involved the maiming of bike theives, alas I can only resort to incentivizing leaving my bike alone by giving her a means to scream for help, even if most will ignore her calls, it will draw attention and thats the last thing a theif wants.
The thing is tricky. You need a flat surface at a straight angle. If you want to test if it works try it in the air and tilt it then if the alarm triggers then you know it works.
Did i read correctly that the tilt sensor doesn't even work until you arm the alarm with the shock sensor disarmed? IE Press arm button 3x

Also the directions say: Wire to the right side of the bike when viewed from the rear, and the images show it velcro side to the front and the side with the "ridges" facing the rear of the bike. Is that the orientation the sensor is looking for? That is to say, not velcro side down and ridges up.
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