Good news or bad?


New Member
Hmmm.. well our boss just gave the entire office (5 people) a layoff warning this morning and said if things dont turn around in the next few days we are going to have to close our doors for good..

Not sure if I should be happy or sad haha.. I just applied for 3 jobs online this morning but who knows because I am in the structural engineering field (related to construction) and with our current housing market NO ONE is building..

Time for a career change?? With my current financial suituation I would easily survive off of a minimum wage job but I would rather not go that low since I would make more on unemployment that I would in a minimum wage job..

I hope for the best since I am moving in 3 months!! Our apartment that we are moving into said they need to be able to verify you make 3x the rent and have employment for a year so I hope that the woman making about 2.9x the rent and being employed for 7 years will be good enough!

I think my resume is pretty good, but my cover letter is kinda lame still...

Wish me luck!!
Good luck with the job search. I have been on the wrong end of a lay-off a couple times and it always seemed to work out for the better. I changed professions a few times and it pays to be diversified now days.
Good luck with everything CB - I hope you at least get some kind of severance package.

Good luck with everything CB - I hope you at least get some kind of severance package.

probably not, we are about 2 years behind in getting our quarterly bonuses based on productivity.. We get a 2% bonus of what we do in total profit for the company, usually about a $1000 bonus, so I am about $8000 behind in those :(
