Gentle Reminder, ATGATT (NSFW, sorta.. not bad though)

I'm glad to see an update.

Also happy to see that she not only didn't get scared from ever riding again, but to go above and beyond that. Riding her own bike and being a safety coach.

I bet her originally story she posted helped persuade alot of people into wearing gear.

Now about that 'fruit stripe gum' paint scheme....:rolleyes:
Regardless if she was wearing gear or not, being on a bike 120mph is a big no no on my opinion.

How you ride is more important than what you wear in my opinion. Stupidity can easily eliminate the benefit of ATGATT. I am all for ATGATT, but armor is not fool proof.
I'm very impressed that she got her own bike and started riding after that incident. That's bawls.

On another note, her bike and gear look awesome! I'd like to get a custom paint job and matching gear as well some day... not in pink though, haha.
How you ride is more important than what you wear in my opinion. Stupidity can easily eliminate the benefit of ATGATT. I am all for ATGATT, but armor is not fool proof.

yeah it may not save you from impacting an object but is that really a reason not to wear it? How do you think FZwhite would be if he wasn't fully geared when he went down at 70mph? Your logic is foolish. Protect yourself for worst.Why do GP riders get to stand up and walk away from 120mph crashed? GEAR. Thats just like the stupid "harley logic" of Id rather be dead than wear a helmet and be a vegetable. Okay how about when your not a vegetable and you get to go home to your family and kids because you were SMART and wore your gear, versus they get two sherrifs coming to their door to tell them daddy is spread across the highway or in the hospital with imminent brain damage and wont survive.
So much for "friendly" debate. Off the gun calling someone's logic foolish and just like stupid harley logic. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, it may not be correct to you, but it is hardly being friendly if you are saying his opinion is foolish. On top of that, he has a very valid point, gear is not fool proof. No matter if you are wearing gloves, pants, jacket, helmet, etc... in some situations, that isn't enough.
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If you notice the ones that do the AGATT are the same people and they own stock in riding gear companies.:)
My contribution to the "friendly debate" is that we're all taking a huge risk by riding motorcycles. We do it because the fun of it makes the risk worth it. One can never completely eliminate risk, but it can always be reduced. It is up to each of us to decide how far we would like to reduce the risk. I don't think anyone here wants to be so safe as to wear full leathers with hard armour, a helmet, and oven mitts to bed "just in case" but it's all about choices.

I'm not ATGATT, but I do gear up pretty heavily when I'm doing more than booting across town. All my gear won't save me from an impact with a telephone pole at 70mph, but nothing will short of quitting riding altogether. Some would flame me for wearing jeans, a t-shirt, boots, gloves and helmet in town because there's little to no protection from road rash. Some would flame me for putting on knee/shin guards, armoured underwear (it's a thing, look it up) kevlar jeans, hard-shell back, chest, elbow, and shoulder protector, kevlar riding jacket, gloves, boots and helmet to ride 15 miles to work saying I'm being a pussy. Whatever. It works for me.

End of day, people are going to ride how they ride, and opinions are going to differ. People come to my door every couple months and tell me their God is the only true God, and I'm wrong unless I join them. I tell them it's nice that they feel that way, but what I think about their God, or any God, is none of their business. Then I find the politest way I can think of to tell them to piss off. Every once in a while I read a post from someone telling me that their gear is the only safe gear, and I'm wrong unless I wear it. It's nice that they feel that way...

Wear what you need to wear to enjoy riding. Don't whine if you choose not to wear gear and get hurt. Don't whine if you ride like Rossi and have an off. Be as safe as you can out there, because accidents will happen. Have fun, ride fast if you need to ride fast, go to NH and ride without a helmet if you need to feel the wind in your hair. Whatever. Just understand the risk you are taking. The risk of riding a bike. The risk of not gearing up. The risk of riding fast. Make sure you understand the risk and you're ok with it. Before you head out on your bike, think about the ones you love. If you do this honestly, you'll do the right thing for you, whatever that may be.
So much for "friendly" debate. Off the gun calling someone's logic foolish and just like stupid harley logic. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, it may not be correct to you, but it is hardly being friendly if you are saying his opinion is foolish. On top of that, he has a very valid point, gear is not fool proof. No matter if you are wearing gloves, pants, jacket, helmet, etc... in some situations, that isn't enough.

Saying someone's logic is foolish doesn't even come close to being unfriendly. That's absurd, I'm satin it's foolish. Give me one single valid point why $200 invested in gearing yourself up isn't better than thousands spent on skin grafts and life long scars? C'mon I challenge you...find something valid
MY quote - How you ride is more important than what you wear in my opinion. Stupidity can easily eliminate the benefit of ATGATT. I am all for ATGATT, but armor is not fool proof.

yeah it may not save you from impacting an object but is that really a reason not to wear it? Your logic is foolish.

Where did I say you should not wear gear? You claim my logic is "foolish" when in reality your logic is flawed. I really think you need to re-read the post and think about what it really says because your assumption that I think wearing gear is unnecessary is false. As I said "I am all for ATGATT".
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Umm, pretty certain that being ATGATT is not fool proof. That being a valid point, what else were you asking for? Many riders have lost their lives while wearing all of their gear.

No one has even tried to make the point that 200 in gear isn't better than thousands in medical bills. That was way out of left field.

What he was saying ATGATT isn't the only thing needed. Skill is also a huge factor to reduce risks. (I think that is what he was saying)

BUT, scars make for good stories...jk jk :D
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It doesn't matter how safe of a rider you are. The logic saying atgatt is not instrumental toward the survival in an accident is foolish. Your making left field assumptions saying a atgatt rider is riding over the speed limit and tailgating, Ect....there is a thing called a safe defensive rider who wears his gear. I'm saying that atgatt is instrumental. The free spirit I'd rather ride free and die if I go down logic is the most dumb thing I have ever heard. Go to a biker rally...or a biker bar you hear it from a lot of foolish people and yes I personally dubbed it the ride free Harley mentality. One of my friends uncles went down a few months ago and helmet and the impact caused internal brain damage and he died shortly after the crash. With even a half helmet they said he would be alive he went down at 35mph on some gravel
The logic saying atgatt is not instrumental toward the survival in an accident is foolish.(No one has made that statement)

Your making left field assumptions saying a atgatt rider is riding over the speed limit and tailgating,(No one said that either, just made an comparison)

I'm saying that atgatt is instrumental. (We all agree on that point)

The free spirit I'd rather ride free and die if I go down logic is the most dumb thing I have ever heard. (No one argued that logic)

All said and done, we are all debating the same point. ATGATT, and be a safe/defensive rider. No reason to get bent outta shape.
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Every town, every city, every state and every country is different. If I were a "defensive driver" here in Italy I would be roadkill. Do I understand how it feels to lay down a bike in jean pants, unfortunately yes. I thought the girls video sent the message that she intended. I'm sorry that happened to her and as a fellow female rider I'm proud of her for taking control.

I'm guilty of getting on the back of my buddies SS and doing 115 mph+. I admit that properly geared I'm willing and ready to try and top 130 mph just for the sake of doing it. Stupid? Maybe. My choice? Yes.

I live life to live not to die, be a vegetable or be scared forever. Mitigating risks is the most sound thing I read in this thread. I know the risks, I make my choices and no preaching will change the day to day. I'm as safe as I feel I need to be and I hope you all do the same.
