Fz6r gets Really hot around my legs when riding??

I notice that after 30 mins of riding.. My legs start to get really hot from around the pegs, and and fairing area.. Is this normal??

The temperature on the gauge says between 200-210 degrees. Is this normal??
I think so, but you shouldn't notice the heat so much from the engine unless you are going really slow or stopped.
yes the when I first got mine I thought 200-210 seemed hot too but the dealer told me that was the norm for the 6r so dont worry it.
max operating temp is ~242F according to the owner's manual. you're fine. 210 is not unusual on a hot day and/or when the bike is not moving.

depending on how tight you keep your legs, you may come close to the crankcase(?) which of course has hot oil going through it. my leg occasionally gets hot as well.
My legs get hot when riding at very slow speeds/at a stop. My temp is normally around the middle to upper 180's on freeway. Around town 215 or so... The highest temp for me ever was 228. If it gets to 240ish.. Might want to stop for a bit.
Sexiness does give off a lot of heat byproduct!!! All joking aside, you should check the coolant level. For the past couple years it only ever touched 214 during riding twice, then I saw a 219 while on a average hot day on a street. Turned out my coolant was low, filling it solved the problem for me!
Pretty much every bike that I've owned melts the Nike checks off my shoes

On a similar note, no bike of mine has ever done any damage whatsoever to my Tourmaster boots ;)
It's normal but if it becomes unbearable u can alwYs buy heat sheilding...

Just the tough of having to wait 4 months for my skin to grow back... Pants will make your legs sexy, with no scars! :iconbeer:

But you wouldn't have to shave your legs if the roadrash peeled all the hair out! :justkidding:
