friends crazy ex gf...

well due to recent events summarized into this: my friends gf cheated, got her ass dumped, is taking it not well and is gone totally postal, has come to my house to tip our bikes over and managed to tip my 400 on its side before my neighbor scared her off, and shes come back to throw a brick through my window(because he was at my house) and key his truck on the way out. :surrender: crazy.... schycho....bitch.... so now not only do i need $200 of parts to fix the 400 again:rant: me and my buddy are now hiding our bikes at my parents house cause she doesnt know where they live and i now have to drive to my parents just to ride my bike until this all blows over. wtf is with people. you cheated, your in the wrong, you got dumped, deal with it:admin:
well due to recent events summarized into this: my friends gf cheated, got her ass dumped, is taking it not well and is gone totally postal, has come to my house to tip our bikes over and managed to tip my 400 on its side before my neighbor scared her off, and shes come back to throw a brick through my window(because he was at my house) and key his truck on the way out. :surrender: crazy.... schycho....bitch.... so now not only do i need $200 of parts to fix the 400 again:rant: me and my buddy are now hiding our bikes at my parents house cause she doesnt know where they live and i now have to drive to my parents just to ride my bike until this all blows over. wtf is with people. you cheated, your in the wrong, you got dumped, deal with it:admin:

Leave your bike out and lie in wait with a camera. When she does something bad, film her and call the cops. Take her to court for damages, fuck that. I don' play! Also get a restraining order.
Uh, call the police, file restraining order, put psycho chick in jail???
my gf and i have been dating for close to 4 years, since grade 11 and i graduated in 08 and shes fine, but my friend sure knows how to pick em lol:confused:

can you plz post a pic of urself w/ her?:justkidding: Id like to verify your picking skills k
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Nothing crazy but - I was married for six years. My wife (now ex) cheated on me 5 times... She left over a year ago for a family friend. She moved in with him within a week. Got prego and married! all within a six month time.... Not to mention when she left my son was sleeping in the same bed with the boy friend!!!! Not going to lie, I was pretty "F'ed" up over the whole thing....

Never did I once go Postal or do anything crazy.... I just moved on. It is was it is.... That's life.

Sounds like you already called the police, now follow up with contacting the DA... Get a restarting order if need be... have a video camera ready cause trust me I've seen it all in court. (Deputy bailiff)

Good luck to your friend....
back in university, i was living with a girlfriend who i had moved in with after a year together. for awhile i had my suspicions she might be cheating. living together we shared a computer and one day when she left it open to her facebook email showing all the emails back and forth, which was the smoking gun i needed. it was the night before our 2 year anniversary when i called her out on it and she got mad at ME! for invading her privacy. it was final exams time and i had no time to be looking for a place to live so we decided we could be civil for a month until exams were over. 2 weeks later she had the guy move into the apartment after he got evicted from his own place (real winner) and he had no idea we had ever dated...just thought i was the random male roommate

there's a situation that can mess with a guy's head

chicks be crazy:confused: make her pay!
lol im the victim in this situation, my friend just happened to be chillin at my house watchin tv and having a beer as is usual for him, and because he was here i got the brunt end of that shit force hurricane. :eek: after i stopped posting last night she came back again!! she came barging in my door and apologized to me then immediately started screaming at kyle again and i said GET OUT, you broke my window and tipped over my bike and keyed my blazer, and this has nothing to do with me. get the F out!! and i live in a quiet neighborhood so of course theres 25 heads poking out their doors seeing what the ruccus is, and finally this is where it gets weird.... she said she had his used condom and was going to try to get pregnant with it(impossible and freakin weird) and make him stay with her through pregnancy, and hauled her out to her car, forced her into the car and wouldnt let her get out and then she said get a good look at me, the next time you see me ill be dead! and drove up onto the curb and sidewalk(were assuming at this point she was wasted) and away she went:surrender: i basically lived through an episode of jerry springer and had to go to all the surrounding neighbors and apologize and it was very embarassing. and to say the least kind of freakin cold sleep last night with a broken out window, and i got to miss class this morning until the window people get here so none of my stuff goes missing. i have alot of stuff worth stealing in my living room lol.
lol im the victim in this situation, my friend just happened to be chillin at my house watchin tv and having a beer as is usual for him, and because he was here i got the brunt end of that shit force hurricane. :eek: after i stopped posting last night she came back again!! she came barging in my door and apologized to me then immediately started screaming at kyle again and i said GET OUT, you broke my window and tipped over my bike and keyed my blazer, and this has nothing to do with me. get the F out!! and i live in a quiet neighborhood so of course theres 25 heads poking out their doors seeing what the ruccus is, and finally this is where it gets weird.... she said she had his used condom and was going to try to get pregnant with it(impossible and freakin weird) and make him stay with her through pregnancy, and hauled her out to her car, forced her into the car and wouldnt let her get out and then she said get a good look at me, the next time you see me ill be dead! and drove up onto the curb and sidewalk(were assuming at this point she was wasted) and away she went:surrender: i basically lived through an episode of jerry springer and had to go to all the surrounding neighbors and apologize and it was very embarassing. and to say the least kind of freakin cold sleep last night with a broken out window, and i got to miss class this morning until the window people get here so none of my stuff goes missing. i have alot of stuff worth stealing in my living room lol.

Tell me you taped that...I'm pretty sure getting pregnant on purpose like that might be considered fraud. Plus now you have emotional distress and disturbing the peace. shame on you if you didn't video that!

lol a long story short, shes spending a night behind bars. one night isnt enough though... her dad is paying for the window but not the bike because we cant prove it was her... thats bs. but ill take what i can get.
