Finally have it, finally rode it.


New Member
Well she came last night around 7ish, and took all of my strength not to grab the keys throw on the gear and go around the neighborhood. I managed to wait until I got out of work this afternoon and I have managed to peel myself off the bike to write this. lol. AWESOME!! I LOVE THIS BIKE! :D Best thing I ever did. Aside from the 13 stalls, it has gone all in all pretty good. Gonna be a while before I bring it to work, (lots of secondary highways, too fast for me right now:eek:). Anyway thanks to everyone for your advice, it helped a lot.
My safe zone was i picked the bike up and the only way home was on the motorway... when i got on there the first thing i thought was weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :) whoops better watch the speed hehe :)
Congrats on getting it and getting used to it.. Good luck on the continued improvement as you get used to it! Cant wait to hear that you are comfortable to venture out more. I remember how excited I was when I finally left the "safe zone" and ventured into the larger roads!

Haha yeah I went from 25 to 35 to 45 to 55 to 80 haha but the excitement the first day of riding and still is AMAZING enjoy it man!
1st ride and zero drops....congratulations are in order..:iconbeer::iconbeer::iconbeer::iconbeer::
Wellllll I went out for one more ride before I lost sunlight, and I kinda got a little lost. OK I got A LOT lost. lol wound up having no choice but to hit RT. 6 out here in RI. Basically 55 with stop lights every half mile to mile or so. Stalled once at a red light on a hill:facepalm:, other than that did great. Gotta admit I kinda liked the speed :sinister:. But I think I will still wait as planed to wait till Monday to bring it to work, that way I can bring in the TBR exhaust and leave it in my office to install after work. Already put in the Juice Box Pro this afternoon, must say I am pretty damn proud of myself seeing as how I did it in about an hour. Long story short (I can get long winded sometimes), I'm hooked and cant wait for work to be over so I can get on it again tomorrow.
My safe zone was i picked the bike up and the only way home was on the motorway... when i got on there the first thing i thought was weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :) whoops better watch the speed hehe :)

Congrats on you pick up! My safe zone was on the free way right away, only way to get home. On top of that It poured down rain. I was on edge the whole time!
That's awsome man enjoy it!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!
Well she came last night around 7ish, and took all of my strength not to grab the keys throw on the gear and go around the neighborhood. I managed to wait until I got out of work this afternoon and I have managed to peel myself off the bike to write this. lol. AWESOME!! I LOVE THIS BIKE! :D Best thing I ever did. Aside from the 13 stalls, it has gone all in all pretty good. Gonna be a while before I bring it to work, (lots of secondary highways, too fast for me right now:eek:). Anyway thanks to everyone for your advice, it helped a lot.

One great exercise for learning the clutch and improving your balance is to roll up to a 2x4 and stop with the front wheel against it then roll over it and stop with the back wheel against it. A lot harder than it sounds. My brother can line up 4 2X4's spaced about 6 feet apart and do the exercise one after the other without putting a foot down.

Have fun, be safe, and ride within your skill level.
Here you go Gixer, this is all I have at the moment. More to come after Monday's exhaust mod.


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