Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Finished the Dark Brotherhood last night, and got TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS for it!
They use dollars for currency in ESV?

On another note, I got skyward sword. Funnest game I have played in years. Most newer games aren't "fun" anymore. Skyward sword is HIGHLY recommended from me. Haven't played skyrim yet but I would take skyward sword over oblivion any day. I'll still definitely get skyrim once I'm bored with skyward sword in a few months.

Check out the skyrim glitches on IGN. Its a good laugh. I'm not dissing the game as any game has glitches and no game can touch the size and scope of skyrim
I don't have a wii but that game definitely makes me want to get it. But, with MW3, Diablo 3, Swtor, Skyrim, Rocksmith, Forza 4, and probably 3 others I've forgotten... I'll have a hard enough time finding the time for all of the games!

Love Skyrim, but can't decide what kind of char to play... want to cast spells but I also want to wear heavy armor and wield big swords while simultaneously sneaking around stabbing people in the back. Maybe then I won't get owned by that frost troll on my way to the mountain monastery.
60$ for a game is reasonable, in todays age. No matter how you put it is worth it, and by far a fair price. Years of development go into each game made, the 60$ price tag is what helps pay those people that made that game possible for you to be playing.

Same thing applies to more then games. Where I work, the shuttle cars that I design cost anywhere from $400,000 to 2,000,000. Yes alot of people say we are expensive, however that money pays all of us engineers who put in 10-15 hour days designing your machine, the shop guys who put 100's of hours into bringing your machine to life, etc etc.

Just wait for the next gen console to be released, I bet games for that are 100$ easy. R&D cost alot of money.

EA and Activision would like to have a word with you.

Games nowadays don't take "years" to make. They are now being developed a lot faster than before and sequels are out year after year. They also cut a lot of corners now such as using two page manuals in the game boxes(add using cheaper game boxes too), intentionally cutting game content for the sake of releasing it two weeks later as "DLC", and digital version of the game costing the exact same as their physical counterparts -_-. List goes on but that's all I can think about right now off the top of my head.

I'm glad PC games for now still retail around 50 bucks. Although Activision pretty much fucked it up for everyone else when they priced starcraft and COD for 60... then everyone else followed suit. This only goes on because we as consumers allow it. Just as we have allowed DLC to go on a rampage. Capcom is the worse of them all. For example, in SSF4 they have the content in the actual game disk(costumes) and they charge just to "unlock" it. How is it that months before the actual game comes out, developers are out there telling people "DLC is already made, set and priced"? It's ludicrous.

In short, I believe it's 60 dollars because the consumers have allowed it and the publishers have run away with it. You're probably right for next gen consoles, I wouldn't be surprised if game prices go up to 70 or something. Not becuase of all the "hard effort", but rather for the sake of increasing profits and because "they can".

Anyway I'm playing Assassins Creed:Revelations, it's awesome.
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I just beat it as a pure mage (conjuration / destruction with max enchanting). Enchanting + magic = wayyyy overpowered. I have 100% reduction to destruction spell cost + 70% resist to all magic (95% resist to shock) + 150% mana regeneration. I can summon two crazy powerful pets, have a companion that also summons atronochs. It feels like a small army.

I beat the final fight first try with 2 flame atronoch pets (immune to fire so pretty hard for a fire breathing dragon to kill) and me spam dual casted incinerate blasts. It made the whole thing anti-climatic, but the game is still amazingly fun.

I'm now playing through as a stealth archer / assassin. Much more difficult than a mage, but its fun sneaking into a room with 6 people and silently taking out each one.
I needa choose a route, i've been leveling everything up and I'm gunna get my ass kicked later on if I'm just middle of the road on casting/melee
I needa choose a route, i've been leveling everything up and I'm gunna get my ass kicked later on if I'm just middle of the road on casting/melee

Best thing to do is pick 2 combat trees and focus on those, and then add 3 supplementary trees.
My roommate picked the game up and I have been borrowing it. It's incredibly addictive. My character is a red warrior or whatever the hell race the red people are. I am focusing on archery, light armor, and one handed weapons for now. My roommate figured out you can max out 5 trees after you reach the max level. So it is better to focus on a couple main skills to get through the storyline and then as you grow you can upgrade other skills. Ramble complete.
Found out I could make my companion carry stuff, so now they are my ore/loot mule. Also found a Transmute spell to turn iron ore into silver ore, or silver ore into gold ore... hello easy money.

i lost my companion and cant find them. i thought they would reappear at my house or at the Jarl's but they didn't.

mine just got killed... got to find another one... my horse, dingbat got himself killed too, thought he could take out a dragon for me.... :rolleyes: had to buy another though

I had one that stayed for a while then died helping me kill a giant, so far it's worked out just having mobs help me kill shit then finish everyone else off ;)
