Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


New Member
So who else is excited for this game? I can't wait. I've been waiting for this since 06 when Obilivion was released! Comes out Thursday night at Midnight, and I know i'm not the only one gettin it :p

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUWTpMAUhpY&feature=player_embedded]Skyrim Gameplay - Trailer with Commentary - YouTube[/ame]
It looks interesting - I never played any of the other Elder Scrolls games, so I'm not sure how much I can get into it, but I'm thinking about picking up a copy just to try it out.

I am, however, awaiting my pre-order on Skyward Sword on the 20th.
guy at work is taking Friday off... said he won't be getting much sleep this weekend.

I'm just now playing Oblivion to get used to it, pretty cool game all in all.

I'm over buying games right when they come out... I usually wait about four months or so to see how they do, by then there are plenty of used copies available at a discount...

Oblivion is definitely an amazing game. I put well into 700 hours into that game. Sounds ridiculous I know, but I played that over the course of a few years :D

That's the main reason I enjoy them is the fact that there is endless amounts of gameplay in them.

and i'm taking Friday off as well :) lol I have 6 sick days I have to use before the end of the year so i'm working on it :p
Grabbin MW3 and Skyrim when I make a special trip home to pick them up haha. Gunna be awesome
Super stoked. The best bang for the buck as the hands-on experience across the net has it pegged for months worth of gameplay; if you are into such module/genre. Yes, I plan on getting sick on Friday but most people in school should have the day off due to Veterans. Good move Bethesda.

I almost purchased MW3 yesterday but held myself back. I just can't justify forking over $60 to Kotick for updated textures.

Skyrim and Skyward will burn $100 in the span of a week and half. :sinister:
I have been waiting for this as well. Taking Friday and Monday off :eek:
I'm hoping it is just as epic as the last!
I'll be getting it after next semester so I can enjoy it while I work all summer and not interfere with studying. This game can't really be bad. If is the exact same as oblivion with different characters and setting, that would be good enough for me. Seems like combat will be even more customizable with tons of new enemies and things to do. Really hope the climactic battle is character involved and not watching brother martin mutate and do his thing (oblivion spoiler!)
I'll be getting it after next semester so I can enjoy it while I work all summer and not interfere with studying. This game can't really be bad. If is the exact same as oblivion with different characters and setting, that would be good enough for me. Seems like combat will be even more customizable with tons of new enemies and things to do. Really hope the climactic battle is character involved and not watching brother martin mutate and do his thing (oblivion spoiler!)

ditto and amen to that xD Buying this now will just kill my GPA
Don't buy used copies! At least keep an eye on discounts of new versions. The company who made the game doesn't get any $$ when you buy second hand. Game companies are going to have to eventually go all digital so they won't lose out on any money from sales causing b&m stores to go down. I support b&m stores selling new games. They Keep a few local jobs and not kill the producers.
sorry, but blindly producing new games... all at $60... is just not worth it to me... Elder Scrolls is one of those games that might actually be worth it... I believe markets should be driven by demand... if you produce a crap game, then charge $10-20 for it and hope you get it... but these companies try to pawn off every single game that comes out at $60 is just crap... so I wait, if it's a good game, it holds it's value, if it's crap, I get to try it myself really cheap.

It's not hardware.... it's SW... it's a game... it doesn't make my life better or worse, it's entertainment... if I don't want to pay $60, live with it...

sorry... just my .02 dollars worth their.

THIS. A good game (for the most part) will sell well, while shitty games will go to the bargain bin or just not sell. Of course there are those hidden gems people just dont hear much about or dont buy like Catherine and shadows of the dammed. I hate this rhetoric that developers/publishers have been spouting out lately blaming their downfall on the costumer buying used games -_- it's really getting on my nerves.
I agree they shouldn't be $60. Imagine disks that you register to your name for $30 that would prevent used sales so the producers would get money with every sale and so many more people would buy the game. Becaused its registered to your name, if your console dies, it will work on the new console. And you can sign into it at friend's houses. Not sure how that is possible, but I think that's a great solution.
60$ for a game is reasonable, in todays age. No matter how you put it is worth it, and by far a fair price. Years of development go into each game made, the 60$ price tag is what helps pay those people that made that game possible for you to be playing.

Same thing applies to more then games. Where I work, the shuttle cars that I design cost anywhere from $400,000 to 2,000,000. Yes alot of people say we are expensive, however that money pays all of us engineers who put in 10-15 hour days designing your machine, the shop guys who put 100's of hours into bringing your machine to life, etc etc.

Just wait for the next gen console to be released, I bet games for that are 100$ easy. R&D cost alot of money.
Bump, 14 hours till release :)
You want to know how much a Microsoft Employee can get the Xbox games direct for? My boss's sister works for microsoft and bought his kids a few games for one of their birthdays a month ago, Brand new $17.

You want to know how much a Microsoft Employee can get the Xbox games direct for? My boss's sister works for microsoft and bought his kids a few games for one of their birthdays a month ago, Brand new $17.

Yeah because they get them at cost. We pay what we pay so that the people that spent 013809831 hours creating the game gets there wages for there time spent.
