coin op car wash for bikes?


New Member
Has anyone used a coin op car wash to wash your bike?
last time i used a coin op car wash to wash my bike, then rode back about 1 mile home lo lube the chain. I didn't use the high pressure rinse (except lower frame & rims) but still have some doubts about it. Has anyone used it? Do you think i may damage some electrical stuff:confused:?


New Member
Has anyone used a coin op car wash to wash your bike?
last time i used a coin op car wash to wash my bike, then rode back about 1 mile home lo lube the chain. I didn't use the high pressure rinse (except lower frame & rims) but still have some doubts about it. Has anyone used it? Do you think i may damage some electrical stuff:confused:?

I never did but it shouldn't damage anything if you're careful. People said not to use a pressure washer for the reason that it might damage engine components.

Bikes are waterproof you have to remember. So a little water that simulates heavy rainfall riding won't damage the bike.


Elite Member


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I'd stay away from the wheel bearings with the pressure washer, I know they are sealed, but if it wasn't the pressure washer, then I must have had bad bearings on my 76 RD 400C.......... They went south within a year. Now I just wipe the bike down. Once a year I might use water and soap from a bucket. Oh, my RD was very clean, I was OCD about that.


New Member
I have never used a hose on my bike. Not any big reason why. I'd be very hesitant to use a pressure washer on the bike. I wouldn't want to damage or force any water into anything. I use a spray bottle detailer and cloth, then keep it wiped down pretty frequently. Although, I'm starting to get quite a bit of road grime and grease underneath and I'm thinking of spraying it out of there with some degreaser.


Super Moderator
I just get a bucket with soap in it, then use the wet rag on the bike. Use another clean wet rag to get the light soapies off. Dry it real good and use some spray wax. Dont think I ever really washed the 6R, but I've washed the R6 about 20 times haha. Its black, so it shows dirty more.


in 5000 miles my bike has never seen any kind of water.... to much work to get the bike dryed.

i buy those super soft towels you can get at the dollar store or where ever..... i get them good and wet and clean the plastic...... 1st you have to rinse real good to get the dirt off say.

my bike looks like the day i picked it up... it... never sees water from a hose or bucket unless i get caught in the rain which i been lucky so far.

so how it work i clean in stages .... it depends how much time i have but here's what i use.

soft wet cloths for the plastic parts
wd 40 on a rag for parts that pick up alot of grease like the wheels and stuff.

then some wax polish for the tank and faring parts and some plastic polish for the rest.
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and they say white never looks dirty! funny, that was the first picture that popped into my head when i seen this thread.


New Member
Thanks for the input, i was worried about instrument panel, wires around engine & OM says no water under seat and its hard to not spray water there... what lures me to the coin op bay is... well im lazy and its so practical: you can move from degreaser/rinse to soap/rinse, triple wax/spot free rinse 2 ride back home & lube that chain in less than 5 minutes
