Chain noise


Super Moderator
So how loud should the chain be? I keep it well lubed and cleaned, but while riding I can hear the chain pretty loud. Even just passing another car, I can hear the chain metal sound.

Tension is correct, and I believe the rear wheel/sprocket is properly aligned. (according to the marks on the swing arm).

If I am cruising and open up my left leg, I can really hear it loud. It then gets MUCH louder if I do that and give it more throttle...

Is it the chain just rolling across that rubber guard thing on the swing arm?

Its pretty damn annoying!
Mine does it too. I think there was a thread about this already, and IIRC everyone said they had a noisy chain.

It's a security long as you hear it, things are alright. It's when you don't hear it, that it becomes a problem. :p
I don't notice mine, but I'm still a newb and probably am focused on too many other things and don't notice the noise.

If I go out for a ride with you fellow Virginians, we can compare. Maybe it's just in the yellow bikes ;)
I can barely hear mine. Get better helmets that are quieter!
Mine is pretty load also... when i open up my left leg it does the same thing. I thought it was just mine so i lubed it up some more and still does it. Nice to know its not just me... i was a bit worried
Great, since I read this last night, I could all of a sudden hear my chain today. Never heard it before. Thanks guys. :mad: :justkidding:


lol i just changed my sprockets and now i can hear mine alot more. hopefully i didnt f up the mod. i guess like vengeur said, its ok until u dont hear it
noticed this on all my chain drive bikes....changed the lube to chain wax and it every 500 or so and seems to be a bit quieter.....
If the rear axle is not properly aligned it can be a source of chain noise and accelerated chain/sprocket wear. I have found the alignment marks on the swing arm tensioner not to be accurate. There is a lot of play back and forth when you tighten the axle nut. The best way to check alignment I have found is: Take an automatic center punch like the brass one Harbor Freight sells for about $3. Center punch as close to center on the swing arm axle as you can. Make the first punch light in case you have to adjust the placement. Do this on both sides of the bolt. Center punch the rear swing arm axle bolt dead center on both sides of the bolt as well. You can deepen the punch after wards with a steel center punch and hammer. Now you can measure with a tape measure the distance on both sides. The tape measure end should just catch in the depression of the swing arm bolt and measure to the depression on the axle bolt. Adjust the tensioners on both sides so the chain has the proper slack at it tightest point and so the measured distance is the same on both sides.

I am writing this because I have a strange noise on my Xj6...
Until 5500km was only the great engine sound...

I started to notice the noise when turning left on the curves ... but now, the noise is constant.

When you have your left leg resting on the tank you "isolate" the noise, but if you move your leg out, the noise is quite high.

It's only present during acceleration. If you're rolling without acceleration or if you puch the clutch, the noise disappears .

Sounds like a rubbing noise during ex: "sszszzzszszs ..."

I put the bike on center stand and began alecrating .. 1st, 2nd, 3rd ... noise begins to appear, but less intense.

It seems that come frome the front drive sprocket or the chain guide .. but it is difficult to realize from where it comes.

The chain tension is correct and the allways verified on yamaha dealer.
The chain is well lubricated with Motul Road Chain Lube.

The noise is constant, and when you put your left leg, the intense noise replace the sound of the engine.

The bike has 5800 km, and the transmission does not show signs of wear. They are like new.

I've recorded the noise with a cellphone.
It 's more perceptible at second 21.

mp3 Download link:

Download xj6.mp3 from - send big files the easy way

The recording quality is not great, and don't give the idea of the real volume of the noise,
which is actually much higher.

Has anyone had the same problem?



[ame=]YouTube - XJ6 Chain Yamaha[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - XJ6 Chain Yamaha 2[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Yamaha XJ6N xj6 Yamaha[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - XJ6 original Yamaha exhaust[/ame]





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ride with air plugs give that a try...... otherwise bikes are general noisy.

i'm not new on bikes, and i've ride Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki..
But never had so much chain noise.. :confused::confused:

...and only after 5500km ?... until there was only silence...


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The one chain pictured looks way dry , chains do make some noise but not a lot .
Here is a tip for spraying chain lube , get a small o-ring and place it under the nozzle on the stem , works for either type of nozzle (stem left when nozzle removed or attached to nozzle) .
The o-ring limits the travel and helps restrict the dreaded WFO flow of lube , gives more precise control of flow .
Try it it works , I used a P5 4.8x1.9mm o-ring from a HF o-ring kit .


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I've never experienced this noise. I do wear earplugs so maybe that's why. I keep my chain clean and lubed and there are no signs of wear as of yet after 2800+ miles.
I always wear earplugs when I ride, except when I'm doing maintenance or something and just running around the neighborhood. I'm always surprised how noisy the bikes are when I don't have the earplugs in.
I always wear earplugs when I ride, except when I'm doing maintenance or something and just running around the neighborhood. I'm always surprised how noisy the bikes are when I don't have the earplugs in.

I do the same. I've been riding with ear plugs for the last few months. When I went for a long cruise through the hills, I didn't wear them, and I forgot how loud it is with the wind. I can actually hear the bike better when I have ear plugs in...cutting out the wind noise. Sorry for the :hijack:
I'm talking about a noise that is so loud that sometimes, when riding slowly, it overlaps the engine noise.

So the idea of using earplugs is not acceptable, because.. simply is not a ordinary bike "usual" sound. It's like ignoring something wrong on your bike.

I've ride honda hornet, suzuki gsx, yamaha fazer, and.. shure, there is a chain noise... but minimal.

Besides, if the bike only started to make this noise at about 5.600km, something have changed... ..i thought.
If it was normal, we'll ear it when it comes from the store, 18 months ago.


