Casey Anthony....seriously?


New Member
Ok I know this all happened yesterday for the final verdict, but Ive finally mustered up my thoughts on this whole ordeal. I think it is pretty damn sick and twisted the fact she quite possibly will be let go for "time served" and be done with it. Granted she did spend nearly 3 years in jail since this case started, but really?....She murdered her daughter. The prosecutors definately failed at this one, because from the info given to the public it was pretty clear what casey had done.

Defense attorneys argued that the little girl accidentally drowned in the family swimming pool and that Anthony panicked and hid the body because of the traumatic effects of being sexually abused by her father.

Those things dont even corelate, whats right is right and whats wrong is wrong. You hid a babys body and didnt even report her missing for 7 days. You went and got a tattoo in that same time period and told the tattoo artist when you come back for touch ups youll bring your daughter in, when shes already dead.


I love living free in america, but OMG the shit this country does pisses me off sometimes. The things people get away with and the stuff behind the scenes. Its sickening.


New Member
this "trauma endured" should land her clinically insane status and should be forced to live in a white padded room the rest of her life, with the sound of scratching on a blackboard being played in the backround.


New Member
Yeah seriously....WTF


New Member
now that he will spend the rest of his life in jail- due to his own stupidity for armed robbery- rumor has it that OJ Simpson will be writing a tell all book on how he murdered nicole simpson & ron goldman. he can't be tried again on the same charge due to double jeopardy. so, wth is wrong with our system?

i know the system is this way to prevent hostile and/ or incessant prosecution that infringes on ppl's freedom & rights. but, in the event that substantial evidence surfaces that incriminates the person later on, there ought to be a legal loophole to allow the DA to re-file... if there's no statute of limitations on murder, then why should there be a get-out-of-jail free card for life?


Staff member


New Member
now that he will spend the rest of his life in jail- due to his own stupidity for armed robbery- rumor has it that OJ Simpson will be writing a tell all book on how he murdered nicole simpson & ron goldman. he can't be tried again on the same charge due to double jeopardy. so, wth is wrong with our system?

i know the system is this way to prevent hostile and/ or incessant prosecution that infringes on ppl's freedom & rights. but, in the event that substantial evidence surfaces that incriminates the person later on, there ought to be a legal loophole to allow the DA to re-file... if there's no statute of limitations on murder, then why should there be a get-out-of-jail free card for life?
Can't do it because then our justice system would become as corrupt as our political system where they keep counting the votes over and over again until the "correct" candidate wins.


New Member
the prosecutors definetly dropped the ball here. This went on for how long and they still were not able to put together a case. I didn't follow the trial too much b/c i assumed she was guilty. maybe that is what the prosecutors thought the jury already believed.

but the real question is this, where is she going to go now? she obviously isn't going back home to her parents house. everyone she knew before will probably not want anything to do with her. I have my ideas of where she will go but its not exactly a pg scenario (althought probably correct).


New Member
now that he will spend the rest of his life in jail- due to his own stupidity for armed robbery- rumor has it that OJ Simpson will be writing a tell all book on how he murdered nicole simpson & ron goldman. he can't be tried again on the same charge due to double jeopardy. so, wth is wrong with our system?

He wrote it a few years ago but it never was officially published. I managed to download a pdf version. The title of the book is "If I Did It"

He most certainly did do it. The way he explains how the murder happened reads like a really boring, amateur novel, because it was the truth he was describing. I spent 5 straight hours reading it, getting angrier and angrier...

Michael Wilson

New Member
This case actually taught me a very important lesson....

Murder is now LEGAL in the United States!:D

Come on you little punks touch my bike.....:justkidding:


the prosecutors definetly dropped the ball here. This went on for how long and they still were not able to put together a case. I didn't follow the trial too much b/c i assumed she was guilty. maybe that is what the prosecutors thought the jury already believed.
but the real question is this, where is she going to go now? she obviously isn't going back home to her parents house. everyone she knew before will probably not want anything to do with her. I have my ideas of where she will go but its not exactly a pg scenario (althought probably correct).
I agree 100%
Hell would do for starters!


New Member
At the very least, she should be sterilized...
with a baseball bat.


New Member
I didn't follow this until the end, so maybe I missed something, but I would like to know how the prosecutors managed to think they had a case when they could not prove how Caylee died? Don't get me wrong, I think Casey's guilty as hell and a waste of skin, but the fact they could not provide a cause of death is enough to allow reasonable doubt I suppose.


New Member
i guess sometimes the prosecutors get side-tracked, and they dropped the ball


New Member
I agree with JokerX, the jury made the right decision based on the evidence (or lack thereof) presented. Personally, I believe she killed her daughter but there was no proof. Let’s just hope she does not ever have another child.


New Member
How on earth could they determine the exact cause of death when all they found were bones in the forest? There was a wealth of circumstantial evidence, as in guilty as hell evidence.


New Member
wow people are quick to the punch to do those pics haha, nice finds.
