Cannot open uder seat compartment


New Member
Before taking it somewhere to pick the lock, I better ask if any had any problems using the key to open the passenger seat compartment?

Last time I rode I don't recall having any problems and I usually store the insurance, manuals, a digital camera and a xena lock there but today I just couldn't do it. Maybe something slid in the compartment and is preventing the lock/latch to open?

I posted a short video online, cannot really apply more force to the key, I don't want to brake it or damage anything but what is now a minor inconvenience can be a big problem if I get pulled over by a cop since all the documents are in there.

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PS Probably will delete the video in a couple days, kinda embarrassing this is happening :eek:
are you saying the key isn't turning or is it and the seat just isn't releasing?
Nothing embarrassing about it... It has happened to others as well. It seems something has wedged between the mechanism and wont let the key turn. So picking the lock wont really help I think... All that will do is the same as you are doing with the key but with less torque. (unless it rusted up real quick on you, but I doubt it.) Try spraying the lock with wd-40 just in case?

All I can suggest is wiggle, smack the seat, anything you can do to try and get it to open while using the key at the same time. Its a pain situation. Its like having something in your kitchen drawer pop up once its closed and you cannot open it haha.

Maybe find something thin to wedge between the seat and try and pry it loose? Dont break it or the key though! Good luck!
i always turn the key and lift seat at same time i think

thats what i do as well, it doesn't really 'pop up' on its own.

usually i lift from the center hump, but than again i've got skinny fingers.

all else fails flip it upside down and maybe that will jolt a few things loose. :justkidding:
i have had this happen a few times to me. im not sure if this is the same thing that's happened to you however when i over pack the storage area and have to push the rear sear down to lock it into place that when i goto open it again the latch wont let go because there is pressure from the contents inside. so instead of pulling the seat up i actually tried pushing the seat down and turned the key and it opens right up.

long story short, push the seat down, like right on the hump of the seat and turn the key. gl.
I did it!!


I leaned the bike carefully sideways and could finally open it. The digital camera had slid towards the front of the compartment and not letting the latch (which opens sideways) to unlock.
Probably the camera slid forward during a hard brake. I'll carry it in a tank bag from now on.

Thanks everyone.

i also had this problem for like 2 days...just wouldnt budge, used a wrench to pry..not a great idea..didnt work.
All you got to do is the wiggle maneuver! shake what ever that could be wedged in there out of the way and itll pop open. :D
