California exhaust law

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Ill look into Leo Vince. I try to stay more compliant than most due to the fact my license is part of my job. Any tickets are bad and you can only reverse the first one.

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Or get a full exhaust system and buy my spare stock exhaust and if u get a fix it ticket then just swap them. And get it cleard.

Sent from my one and only iPhone 5 using Tapa 2 da talk

Downside is that only works once. Any ticket after the first one is not a fix it but a full fine which increases with each offense.

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Buy a small universal cat from the local auto parts store. Gut it, and weld it over the aftermarket exhaust pipe. The aftermarket exhaust pipe would simple just run threw it but appear legal to anyone. I did this on my car and haven't had any issues even with a close inspection.
It would be in the best interest of companies to get the EPA tags on systems. Cali may be first but I doubt it will stop here.

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They're not looking for a cat. They're looking for the noise certification which is marked on the exhaust. Or "should be looking." Nobody really does and I doubt they are going to anytime soon.

Tha major hit has been to RUBs and the H-D dealers who used to upsell them to insanely-overpriced straight pipes. The H-D dealers have had to find other chrome-clad accessories to sell to the unknowing.

Oh I didn't know that. here in PA there emissions testing is basically checking for a muffler and cat. Some areas put a probe in the exhaust to check emissions, but most dont.
