Buzzing/Hissing sound coming from FZ6R


New Member
Hey guys,

I just noticed this today when I was riding my bike to get some lunch from work. It was a hissing/buzzing noise I heard. I don't know if it's always been like that or not. It's not coming from the engine, it's more around the front of the bike where the gauges and ignition area. It was a constant hiss/buzz that did not go away. I was just wondering if this is normal for the bike? It's not a loud noise but significant enough for me to hear it.

Bike has roughly 860 miles on it.

Let me know if you guys hear the same thing on your bikes.


Super Moderator
Was it the fans?


Premium Member


New Member
No it's not the fan. I know what the fan sounds like when it goes on. It's just a buzzing/hissing sound like the same sound a tv makes when u know its on.

Conditions were bike was on, temp around 190 degrees, and speed was below 45mph. Regardless if I was stopped at a light or moving I could still slightly hear the noise. I just want to know if this is normal or not?

Do you guys hear this on your bikes?


Thuper Moderator
Premium Member


New Member
Yes bike is definitely still under warranty. I just got it brand new from the dealer last month.


Super Moderator
Well, unless it is the windscreen vibrating. That happens to most FZ6R. When you hear it again, grab the windscreen and lightly tug on it and see if that stops it. Push on a lot of things up there and see if it stops. Could be the windscreen, fairings, etc buzzing against each other.


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Elite Member


Sentient Being
Elite Member


New Member
Sounds like demonic posession. Perform exorcism ASAP. :D

I agree with Jay. Start grabbing stuff thats foward of you and pressing or pulling on it to see if theres any change.

If in public, that'll get you arrested in most States!! :rof: :D :rof:


Super Moderator


waiting out winter
Elite Member


Super Moderator


New Member
Hey, u know what, I had the same problem with my 1st FZ6R some months back. I would notice the buzzing sound at around 3000 rpm (30-40 mph). Was wondering for quite sometime what was causing this. Then I realized that in the front fairing, the plastics become a bit loose and cause the sort of vibration/hissing. See if thats the case with you.


New Member
Hey, u know what, I had the same problem with my 1st FZ6R some months back. I would notice the buzzing sound at around 3000 rpm (30-40 mph). Was wondering for quite sometime what was causing this. Then I realized that in the front fairing, the plastics become a bit loose and cause the sort of vibration/hissing. See if thats the case with you.

Hey there - this is my first post here. (Boulder, CO rider... 09 FZ6R). I've got the same exact thing going on right now on my bike and it's driving me crazy. Happens more often when it's cold out. Any suggestions on a fix for this? (Same exact RPM range too... thought I was crazy for a while... hearing buzzing in the ears and all :confused: )


New Member
The windscreen, front fairings and numberplate can all cause the vibrating noise. I've had it here and there (I remove the windscreen when I clean it to be thorough). Give the cosmetics a tightening and see if it resolves the situation. <3 With the plates my state issue, I had to put a bit of double-sided tape between the plate and mount to resolve vibrating there too.


New Member
Is it through all rpm's or just at certain revs? If its at certain revs, its most likely just plastic vibrating.
I'm so sick of my plastic vibrating I'm about ready to give it to my gf and buy an fz8
