Another rider down... :(


Staff member
Guys, this is getting bad! I am hearing about so many riders going down in the last couple weeks. I just found out that my cousin wrecked his bike last night. He has a broken pelvis and possibly fractured a vertebra. They are trying to decide if surgery is going to be necessary. What's worse is that his parents are in Canada on a cruise are are virtually unreachable.

Keep him in your thoughts and prayers, along with all the other riders!


New Member
Yeah it's getting bad out there. I haven't really heard of anybody personally but a taxi almost killed me yesterday, but I cam out of it alright.

Please be careful out there and I'm sorry to hear about your cousin. I hope he comes out of it okay.


Staff member
He was a little hot coming into a curve and lost control.


Super Moderator
Sorry to hear... Dont know whats goin on lately. :(


New Member
The riding season is here but skills are rusty, tires are cold, rotors are dirty, career cagers are still blind, etc.


Sorry to hear Robert about your cousin. All my best for a speedy recovery to him. Ride safe my friend.


New Member
yeah unfortunately it'll get worse before it gets better as this is now prime summer riding season.

they say there are 2 types of riders, those that have gone down, and those that haven't gone down yet.

I've been lucky so far, while my brother has had some minor and also a major accident... hopefully he took mine for me


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New Member
they say there are 2 types of riders, those that have gone down, and those that haven't gone down yet.

Not refuting you personally, because I've heard that before as well, but that's junk philosophy, clever crap. It just seems that way because the riders that never go down never have their stories told. Not crashing is boring. You don't see a whole ton of threads and news stories titled "Another rider doesn't crash and has a relatively uneventful ride"

Doesn't make crashes suck any less, though.


New Member
What's worse: Locking up the rear and when it starts to come around letting up on the brake or locking up the rear and holding it? David


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Super Moderator
If you ever lock up the rear, hold it until the bike comes to a stop. You'll slow and come to a stop with your front brake.


If you are sliding on the rear and let up, it can catch traction very fast and if you are not completely in line, you risk a very high chance of a high-side. Best to just ride it out and stop, since you hit the brakes for a reason trying to stop in the first place. Put more faith in your FRONT BRAKE... You can really put a ton of pressure on the front. Hell, I hardly use my rear at all anymore.

When I first started riding, I was so afraid of the front and kept locking the rear up. I have learned and I dont have any lock ups at all. The front should be your main brake as it is.


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New Member
when i got my bike my dad told me this same thing.

If my dad ever told me that I'd reply "You know, there's 2 types of fathers in this world- those whose children have disowned them, and those whose children are about to disown them."


New Member
That's one of the problems with the way a lot of cruisers are built. They have a rear brake that's almost as big as the front. You'd think if any bike would need dual 300mm+ front brakes, it'd be a 750lb bike. But no, they have a single 270 or 280 in the front and a 250 or so in the rear. And I know of a lot of cruiser riders who are the exact opposite of what they should do. They use the rear almost exclusively. Everything is just bassackwards with those bikes. 1450cc only produce 70hp? :eyebrow:
Was parked in a group of assorted bikes and talking to a couple of guys on sportbikes (FZ1 and Honda CBR600RR) when the owner of a Harley parked next to me cranks up. Not only is it extremely loud just idling but it is vibrating like crazy. After he pulls away we look at each and agreed with the statement that we just don't see the attraction. David


New Member
Not only is it extremely loud just idling but it is vibrating like crazy. After he pulls away we look at each and agreed with the statement that we just don't see the attraction.

I agree... today I had the same experience outside a Starbucks. This guy fires up his Harley and everybody cringes. Love the quiet power of the FZ6r.

But I am really noticing tons of riders out right now without good gear. It's shorts, T-shirts and tennis shoes - especially scooter riders. Some of those scooters are hauling ass too like 60 mph! 'Tis the season I guess. :confused:
