Another one bites the dust...


New Member
Yup, my poor 6R is totalled I think... took a mini roadtrip yesterday and got into a hairpin curve too fast. Instinctively I hit the brakes once I hit the dirt on the shoulder and made friends with the mountain side. Only time I didn't wear my jacket (save the lectures please, I realize how idiotic that was.)

Ended up breaking my left collar bone and lots of nasty roadrash. Just wanted to tell everyone to be extra careful out there, you never know what will happen, and ALWAYS ATGATT. I'll post pics of the bike when I get them from my friend who was with me.
Pics of the bike.. maybe not TOTALED after all


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not fast actually, prob 35 - 40mph MAX. Had my girl on the back though (thank god she's only got a little road rash on her hands and is a little sore...)
Dang man, glad your ok. Speedy recovery on the collar bone. Riding two up is crazy different... I've been there numerous time running to hot in a corner.
glad you and the girl are OK, could've been a lot worse. I rarely give anyone a ride, and when I do I go so slow they get off with the face of that's it?
ouchies :( glade you both are ok. Poor bike too :beer:
Thanks everyone. Ya I was really worried about my girl, the bike landed on her but thanks to adrenaline was able to get the bike off her before I realized something didn't feel right in the shoulder lol.. They flew her out as a precaution but she came out just sore with road rash on her hands.

Anyways, hopefully the bike looks worse than it is and I can get it repaired soon. Any idea how much this will affect my insurance premium? I've heard 20% increase from an agent I met in the hospital and my uncle said it will double... :confused:
Ended up breaking my left collar bone and lots of nasty roadrash.

I'm trying to take the "silver lining" view. Glad to hear it's something that will heal in time and that your girl is alright.

I just had my first "day of mistakes" today and faced something very similar on two occasions today. Luckily I made the right decisions (after making the wrong decision to come in too hot) and was able to get out of both situations but the near dumper in my pants and coming home to see your thread have really changed the way I think about trying to push it out there.

Wishing you a speedy recovery!
Ya be careful out there. I think "Twist of the Wrist 2" says to only ride a 70% your capacity, which allows a clearer head in case something happens and more room to correct. I thought I was doing that but the turn got tighter and the road narrowed. Couldn't compensate.
Glad that you and your girl are "OK" and not on a table some where in a Morgue. Your bike it may be repairable, hopefully if not well I am sure that you will find another one. A few weeks ago I got a bit of a scare too when I came up on a up hill grade then into a sharp right hand corner (No sign posted to say it was there),, I had to hit the binders,straighten the bike up and stopped in the other lane,,,,,lucky no cars were there. I was not familar with the road (only going 70 KMS,45 MPH) so that taught me a lesson. Take Care my friend we are all behind you 100%. Laurie
Hope you feel better soon. I ride with my wife on the back sometimes, and it amazes me how different the bike feels, especially in low speed-tight turn situations. It can really sneak up on you. I rip off 90 degree intersection turns at 45-50 km/h comfortably on my own, but ease around them at 15-25 km/h whenever she's on with me. I really pussyfoot in intersections and hairpins. Yesterday, I was cruising a backroad with her, nice and easy, but she was leaning OUT of the turns on me. I came out of one sweeper at about 80 km/h and saw the outside shoulder getting very big, very fast. I really had to fight the bike through. After that was an immediate stop and a discussion about leaning. It really shook me deep down thinking about what would have happened to us had we taken the ditch. Anyway, I'm glad to hear no serious injuries for you guys. Here's to a speedy recovery for you both, and anyone who reads your story should join me in thanking you for banging yourself up a bit to learn a lesson for all of us. Let's not repeat this mistake, because the outcome might not be so lucky for the next one who goes down like this, or for their passenger.
ACK. sorry to hear about the accident. =( sounds like things could've been much worse. thanks for sharing your experience, as i'm sure it will help out a lotta folks here.

hope u recover soon and can get the bike fixed...

u can always opt to fix it yourself & pay out-of-pocket. it may cost slightly more now, but it is better than getting a point on your insurance record- which takes 3 years to come off. i guess what i'm saying is that, since this is an at-fault accident, you're going to be paying for this accident one way or the other. so, if the damage isn't too expensive, you're prolly better off fixing it yourself and saving your insurance premium.

get well soon and keep us posted.
Well, 2 months later and my shoulder is finally useable again (another set of xrays showed a fracture in my left shoulder blade along with the collar bone..). Bike was totalled after all, and I had no GAP insurance (my fault) so I still have a little to pay off on the bike. Good news is though I got promoted so I can always buy another one!

Only thing holding me back is the gf and parents absolutely against it, well not so much against but, I'd feel pretty guilty leaving them so worried...

So now I'm trying to decide on getting another one. I miss that feeling of being on a bike, and man it sucks driving a car every day.. but they're more important than a bike, so we'll see.

Hope you're all keeping it safe!
