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Well its come to my attention that there is alot of...well...negative attention towards me because of this thread. This was not intended. I thought the discussion was rational and fair to every side, but please...people who are angered at me and or this thread...I have an opinion and a right to it. I haven't forced anything upon you to come into this thread. If I offended you I'm sorry. But dont take it out on the forum as a whole, the forum hasnt done a single thing wrong. I made the choice to make this thread to address another member asking me my stance on religion because of my signature with the vampire quote. Either way guys, this shouldnt have causesd any member to lose credibility or be a dividing factor to our forums, but if it has caused such disruption in your life I appologize deeply from my heart and only ask that you forgive the fact I made this thread and will not take it out on the forum. I mean that apology with the utmost sincerity. I take great pride in this place and love every single one of you as a community here and Im very sorry if I offended or hurt any one of you. I just need to make this public so you all understand im not some cold disruptive monster.
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Oh, I believe it most probably is the verbatim word given to Muhammed, just that it didn't come from God. David

I disagree that the word was even given to Muhammad. That in itself gives him status as a Prophet and that part has not been proven. There are text books in the USA that actually say "The Prophet Muhammad" by none that say "Jesus, Son of God" which I find interesting. It is a fact that Muhammad said these verses but where he got them from cannot be proven. Being verified by 2 people and written down methodically is true but it was written down long after many of the people that memorized the verses were killed in The Battle of Yamama. It became a priority to write it down to keep from losing more of the verses. Since some of the verses were lost, the Koran is not complete and therefore it cannot be perfect as claimed.
The Koran is in alphabetical order and that makes it difficult to identify the peaceful Medinan verses that were abrogated or replaced by the Meccan ones

My belief in a religion or whether I have one is not important. What is important is to understand the various religions and how the people worship. That way you can try to avoid insulting other people accidentally.
But here is the point you and some of the others are missing: I have no problem with your views on religion or Christianity. You can believe what you wish. I also have no problem with people who do not want to discuss religion in this forum although I do not think it is possible to completely eliminate it from discussion, only keep it toned down and to a minimum. My problem is with you taking your anti Christian view and rubbing it in each and every time you make a post. Want to keep religion out? Remove your little crucifix/vampire saying. That's my only beef. By you putting that out there each and every post you are also saying that it is okay for me to post pro-Christian articles and continually remind you of where I stand. Want this to end now? Then tit for tat. Your crucifix saying is RELIGIOUS in nature - take it down. No, that is not a demand. However if you want this to end only you can do it. The choice is yours. David

I simply thought the quote was creative and came across it on another forum I am on. It wasn't meant in any premeditated factor to put off on anyone. I didn't realize this or take it into context of how it may be interpreted until you just stated that a more religious person may take offense to it every time I post. Im sorry for putting you all in that position, but I certainly don't take back my religious stance.

I did not remove it out of your request though david, I simply removed it because this is a community here and personally I don't want any resentment toward me or this forum.

Well its come to my attention that there is alot of...well...negative attention towards me because of this thread. This was not intended. I thought the discussion was rational and fair to every side, but please...people who are angered at me and or this thread...I have an opinion and a right to it. I haven't forced anything upon you to come into this thread. If I offended you I'm sorry. But dont take it out on the forum as a whole, the forum hasnt done a single thing wrong. I made the choice to make this thread to address another member asking me my stance on religion because of my signature with the vampire quote. Either way guys, this shouldnt have causesd any member to lose credibility or be a dividing factor to our forums, but if it has caused such disruption in your life I appologize deeply from my heart and only ask that you forgive the fact I made this thread and will not take it out on the forum. I mean that apology with the utmost sincerity. I take great pride in this place and love every single one of you as a community here and Im very sorry if I offended or hurt any one of you. I just need to make this public so you all understand im not some cold disruptive monster.

We will go ahead and leave this be on that note.

I just want to extend a great gratitude of thanks to you CC and everyone else here who kept this a very rational, civil discussion. This thread is not being closed due to any of you, so please take no hard feelings with it. You all have been great and I am proud that it has stayed civil!

Some people have publicly and off the radar taken some hard feelings towards this thread and I can honestly say I am not sure why. But, we try to keep everyone happy, and it has been a good discussion.

Thanks everyone for keeping the site what it is. You all are great!
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