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New Member
NOW if you all want to get into a tear you appart swearing and anger fest this thread will get shut down faster than you can blink. Were adults here and this is a beautiful community. Keep respectful.

That ain't gonna work. You are the one who put it out there for all to see in this forum. If you can't discuss it here then the comment shouldn't be there. I'm assuming by the tone of the comment that you are an atheist or an agnostic, no? That is your business and you have that right but your comment is a slap in the face to Christians. If I am wrong about what you mean by your crucifix/vampire example then correct me. Otherwise don't sit there and pretend you don't want to talk about religion here. You started it. David


Okay Ill put it as simply as I can for you and anyone else who wishes to judge me for my beliefs even though your christian and not supposed to cast judgement.....but even though you already have cast judgement by your statement. Thats one thing most christians fail at, they preach but they dont follow what they preach....well they pick and choose how to follow it. Or they think all will be forgiven because they go to church on sundays. I dont have a problem with it at all actually. Good for you, I went to church for a while too, it was great comrodory. But then when the pastor saw we didnt put money into the donation plate our third sunday there, he pulled me aside and said its "Not really a choice, when you come here you pay for our services and if you cannot do that, we recommend finding a different place to go." I simply said to him "Thank you for showing me your ways :thumbdown:"

Heres the deal david, you believe in a faith in which was cast for thousands of years, which was hand written and pieced together by men who thought the earth was flat, that witches be burned at the stake, maggots came from sins, and if you pissed god off he'd strike you down with blasts of lighting. It came from greedy kings trying to obtain more land and mind you were very violent and sexually deviant people. It also comes from a time in which man had very little controll over the community in which they ruled....so they shaped this book and struck the fear of god into the religeous community and exiled or executed everyone who did not believe in it. Whats that do...forced people to follow. So your telling me kings didnt add in what they thought would help shape how they need to rule people? Next in line...why are there so many forms of religion? Because people CHANGED IT to fit how they wanted to live THEIR lifes. I think you would have to be very naive to disagree with what Im saying as it is pure logic.

Another thing about this....your pastor...he gets a home and all of his living provided for him through the church. Why does my aunts church have a $600,000 home for the pastor to live in? I forgot church was about helping people not living lavish lifestyles. I get it...a pastor is there to help at all times....but IMO those guys are nuts. They study all day every day with the bible...believing that god is speaking to them in certain ways shapes or forms. Then they come in on sunday mornings and tell you all about what god made him envision. Im sorry but I forgot thats a chemical property in your brain that gives you IMAGINATION. But hey if you want to believe in something that for thousands of years was used to controll the masses, and has ensured billions of lives lost due to wars over whos right and who is wrong in religeon...because you know killing someone else in the name of god is right? If I came and killed you because I like Allah and I think the judeo christian beliefs are wrong....Id go to prison. But yet war ensues in the middle east on a daily basis killing thousands of people over a war that has lasted since man has come around. If you disagree....good for you, if you agree with me good for you. Because unlike your judgement which you cast upon me even though as a judeo christian your comiting sin judging me....when you should be "forgiving me"...but you judged so you cant go back on that one...I dont judge you for your beliefs or anyone elses for that matter.

I understand who I am, and I know my place in life and the world. I am not one to tell you or anyone else who is right or wrong in their beliefs. Im a simple human being living my life trying to get ahead and I dont concern myself with such nonsense in life. But beings you decided to call me out....all christian like....I figured Id explain myself and where I come from. On a side note...I believe in fate...not faith. You get through life with willpower and determination...not faith. You can hold faith in one hand and shit in another and what do you have? Still only a hand full of shit.

Well lets see how judeo christian you truly are and Im very excited to see your response. I assume this will begin a flame war so Im going to put on my flame shield

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To each his own, and keep it that way. YOUR OWN.

I have much the same views as you, CC. But I believe you should keep your religon, or lack there of, to yourself and others who share the same views. There are a lot of religons in the world, most of which are older than Christianity, including Atheism and Agnosticism. Which one's right? I believe I'm right, but so does everyone else. That is why this should end here. No good will come of it.
To each his own, and keep it that way. YOUR OWN.

I have much the same views as you, CC. But I believe you should keep your religon, or lack there of, to yourself and others who share the same views. There are a lot of religons in the world, most of which are older than Christianity, including Atheism and Agnosticism. Which one's right? I believe I'm right, but so does everyone else. That is why this should end here. No good will come of it.

Well put boss :eek:
I have to ask, this seems out of left field a bit, sound like somebody got into a religious argument at work this morning? lol
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Besides that. You put this in The Bar. Everyone knows you shouldn't drink and talk about religon. ;)
Comments about the corruption of churchs, the greed of Pastors, Popes and Kings, and the millions of lives lost over religion, are all correct. The problem over looked by the non-believers is that GOD did not do this!!
GOD gave us the right to make decisions, but we have to live with those decisions and the consequences thereof. GOD only insists that we follow HIS ways and all others paths are our own doing! The greed of mankind has perverted the Christian belief to an almost unrecognizable form, and I do not blame people for believing that religion causes more grief than good.
However, believing is like choosing a motorcycle. You have to research, learn and understand what you are buying before you lay down your money. Belief is no different. Without the research, the explanations and the ability to discern between right or wrong, between educated or ancient, you will make a poor purchace (maybe a Hardley Driveable for instance), and you will have to live with that choice for sometime to come.
I do not have all the answers, but my experience with GOD has come thru a desire to understand rather that ridicule. I have many, many questions and I do not agree with many parts of GOD's Plan, but I do not claim to be the smartest cookie in the jar. I will continue to learn, discern and educate myself without the arrogance of mankind's invincibility complex.
Remember that GOD's words were written to ancient, under-developed and simple people and to take the Bible's words as literal is a first and common mistake. If you pick up a text of advanced mathematics, the majority will never understand it without assistance.
Finally, to all the science is right about everything types, there are two things I have noted....
1) Most advanced scientific theories are just that ...theories
2) Too many advanced scientific practices..ie: carbon dating... are proving to be bunk. A recent body found in the Alps was 'dated' to be a cazillion years old was actually a lost person from a few years ago. This is one of many recent discoveries of the errors our decisions are creating.
My Pastor insists that visitors do not add to the collections as they are welcome guests. He does not live in a fancy house or own a fancy car. Our church is large, active and trying to follow GOD's teachings without destroying anything in our path. We continue to learn without ridicule.

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One thing to keep in mind when discussing religion is that no one can prove or dis-prove the existance of GOD or any other diety. Even if a booming voice came from the sky and announced that "I am (Insert diety of choice here)" We still wouldn't know if it was really a god or someone with superior technology posing as one. On the other hand all of the laws of physics that we know may have come frome a superior being in order to create the universe. There is no way to know. All we really do know is the scientiffic principles that we have provenand use, and what we feel inside. Even if there is a definite answer we will probably never know untill we pass on to the other side. Even then we still may not find out.

So if someone thinks that your religion or your lack of one is bullshit and makes a joke about it, it doesn't make sense to get offended by it. You never know they may be right.

For what it's worth
Just a couple of thoughts.

When someone tries to pigeonhole a Christian by saying they aren't following their own religion by saying they judge or aren't following the teachings of Christ I know they have already lost the argument. Christians are people and will always fail to be Christlike. That was the lesson and non-Christians always fail to "get" this concept.
The "Religion of Peace" was created to defeat Christianity so they always say Christians aren't following their own religion. Christians are supposed to accept beheadings with a dull knife and being slowly burned to death or chopped up with a machete and not bitch about it.
Athiests always say the people of all religions believe in fantasy.

Having faith is not a bad thing. Treating other people with respect and helping them is good also but what caused this? Religion did, not Atheism.
The USA was founded by very religious Christians who fled to the New World to escape religious persecution. Now that Atheists and non-Christians have taken over the limelight and make the USA look like a non-Christian country the Christian way of peace and helping one another is vanishing too. Flash mobs robbing and beating people..is that a Christian thing? So the Christians ran to the New World to escape persecution and now the Homosexuals, Atheists and Muslims are again in full attack mode and persecuting them once again here in the USA. This was the last stand...

Obama stated this in Egypt, and I quote. "The United States is NOT a Christian Nation". I wonder where he got that idea when over 85% of the people in the USA affiliate with some Christian faith how can that be true? Is the USA a homosexual nation because 3% of us are gay? Are we an Islamic nation because 3% of us are Muslim? Are we a Atheist nation because 4% of us claim to be one?
It appears that the minorities are way over represented and appear to speak for a much larger segment of society than they actually represent. In Hollywood the percentage of gay spokespeople is at 30%...
We have certain churches preaching white genocide (Obama's old church)
We have certain churches burning the Koran.
We have Christian churches all over the world being burned down by Muslims and there is not a single church in Saudi Arabia nor a non-Muslim allowed in Mecca.
We have churches across all denominations changing from Christian to Chrislam...WTF.....

This world is turning topsy-turvy with the worst of human nature being promoted as the way for all to emulate. Join Islam and you get to marry a 9 year old and can legally rape infants, marry 1st cousins and have sex with animals. Be a Christian and remain a virgin until you marry a frigid girl that only does the Missionary position. LOL...Now that is fantasy...Sure there are some fringe parts of all religion that are a bit freaky but not the mainstream.
It seems the exception to the rule is becoming more the norm and that isn't good.
Atheists will argue that religious people believe in fantasy but have never proved it. Religious people claim you have to have faith but Atheists refuse to believe it so they never get the point.

Religion and Politics are 2 subjects that have caused more arguments than any other in history.

On a lighter note, I hear that Atheists are taking up the call to take care of the Christian's pets after the rapture...:)
My intentions are not to state whois right and who is wrong. My intentions are to purely state my stance on where I am in life. I am a weak agnostic. If you know your religeons weak agnosticism means that you belief in a purpose and a higher form in life...but you do not centralize on one specific super being, dog, or deity. Who am I to make the choice of who is right and who is wrong? Thats where religeon fails, people fight so hard to prove they are right over the next person which causes wars to rage for thousands of years. Instead I sit back and know my life goes on with fate in hand, and im not casting anyone for their beliefs, which I guess puts me in a NEUTRAL state.

I personally have done ALOT of research on religion in order to understand it more clearly. I have researched Christianity, the many monotheistic Abrahamic religion's based on the Quran, Buddhism, along with the differences in many Americanized religions. So I do know alot about these, and like I said after doing my own research I believe that I am not the one to choose for others.

Now the whole speaking in tongue, religious epiphany's, revelations in church....the out crys of when a person stands up and the devil has been cast from there body as the pastor slaps em on the forehead....that....is what Im talking about with the crucifix and the vampires....THAT is bullshit.
Just a couple of thoughts.

When someone tries to pigeonhole a Christian by saying they aren't following their own religion by saying they judge or aren't following the teachings of Christ I know they have already lost the argument. Christians are people and will always fail to be Christlike. That was the lesson and non-Christians always fail to "get" this concept.
The "Religion of Peace" was created to defeat Christianity so they always say Christians aren't following their own religion. Christians are supposed to accept beheadings with a dull knife and being slowly burned to death or chopped up with a machete and not bitch about it.
Athiests always say the people of all religions believe in fantasy.

Having faith is not a bad thing. Treating other people with respect and helping them is good also but what caused this? Religion did, not Atheism.
The USA was founded by very religious Christians who fled to the New World to escape religious persecution. Now that Atheists and non-Christians have taken over the limelight and make the USA look like a non-Christian country the Christian way of peace and helping one another is vanishing too. Flash mobs robbing and beating people..is that a Christian thing? So the Christians ran to the New World to escape persecution and now the Homosexuals, Atheists and Muslims are again in full attack mode and persecuting them once again here in the USA. This was the last stand...

Obama stated this in Egypt, and I quote. "The United States is NOT a Christian Nation". I wonder where he got that idea when over 85% of the people in the USA affiliate with some Christian faith how can that be true? Is the USA a homosexual nation because 3% of us are gay? Are we an Islamic nation because 3% of us are Muslim? Are we a Atheist nation because 4% of us claim to be one?
It appears that the minorities are way over represented and appear to speak for a much larger segment of society than they actually represent. In Hollywood the percentage of gay spokespeople is at 30%...
We have certain churches preaching white genocide (Obama's old church)
We have certain churches burning the Koran.
We have Christian churches all over the world being burned down by Muslims and there is not a single church in Saudi Arabia nor a non-Muslim allowed in Mecca.
We have churches across all denominations changing from Christian to Chrislam...WTF.....

This world is turning topsy-turvy with the worst of human nature being promoted as the way for all to emulate. Join Islam and you get to marry a 9 year old and can legally rape infants, marry 1st cousins and have sex with animals. Be a Christian and remain a virgin until you marry a frigid girl that only does the Missionary position. LOL...Now that is fantasy...Sure there are some fringe parts of all religion that are a bit freaky but not the mainstream.
It seems the exception to the rule is becoming more the norm and that isn't good.
Atheists will argue that religious people believe in fantasy but have never proved it. Religious people claim you have to have faith but Atheists refuse to believe it so they never get the point.

Religion and Politics are 2 subjects that have caused more arguments than any other in history.

On a lighter note, I hear that Atheists are taking up the call to take care of the Christian's pets after the rapture...:)

Do you know what an atheist is? :iconbeer:

I am a weak agnostic. If you know your religeons weak agnosticism means that you belief in a purpose and a higher form in life...but you do not centralize on one specific super being, dog, or deity.

I meant god not dog.... :(
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