2 Circa 1978 Mopeds


New Member
Hey all,

Still feel pretty new here, but thought ya'll would be able to help me with my predicament.

I have fallen into a bit more than i can chew, as I'm a feed a car gas, make it go, and if it makes a sound take it to a mechanic and hold out money kinda person.

I have 2 McCulloch BHE 900 Mopeds in my possession, of which I took quite a few pictures. Both have original everything, albeit cobwebs etc etc. I'm at a loss as to what to do... The owners will let me fix them up to sell them, but I'm curious if they're even worth fixing up....( I can keep 1/2 the profit, which I'll stow right away into my fz6r fund.) Thoughts?

Let me know what ya'll think. The company that made these beauties was originally a chainsaw engine manufacturer, but they moved into kart engines etc after they got off the ground. I'll post pictures later tonight.


Does not look like it will be very easy to find parts for them from my quick search... I would start by making sure its fresh plug/oil etc. Make sure there is compression.

What is their current state? Not running I assume?
Totally not running, need new tires etc. Am I able to physically do it? yes. Do i have a clue what i'm doing? no(definitely not). I have the service manual, but don't even know where to start... hybrid gas/oil mixture, engine starts by dropping actual engine frame on the back wheels.

Last night got pretty hectic, @ work til 5 or so today.

Totally not running, need new tires etc. Am I able to physically do it? yes. Do i have a clue what i'm doing? no(definitely not). I have the service manual, but don't even know where to start... hybrid gas/oil mixture, engine starts by dropping actual engine frame on the back wheels.

Last night got pretty hectic, @ work til 5 or so today.

2 stroke. Do you know the correct oil/gas mixture ratio? Something that old and air cooled...maybe 25:1? Just guessing, it should be in the manual though. Put a fresh mix in it and a new plug. Carb most likely needs a total overhaul.
