1st long drive - need advice


New Member
Hey guys.

Planning to go to Lake George, NY this weekend, it is about 230+ miles from where I live. Taking my wife along. Have an expandable tank bag, and will take a backpack as well. Will hook up my heated gloves just in case.
Any advice about the stops and any other precautions to be taken?
Checked the weather there, high 75 low 50. No rain.

Also how long should it take taking some breaks as it is my 1st time?
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Hello Findmadhav,

I know that area well, as my uncle owns a motel there. Should be good riding.

I find riding two-up is way, way, way more uncomfortable than riding solo, as I find I sit a little farther forward in order to not crowd my passenger. Thus my ass gets really sore quickly.

So take lots of frequent breaks. I found stopping every 45 minutes worked. My girlfriend appreciated it as well, as the rear seat blows for comfort.

The ride will take you much longer than you would expect with a passenger, pee breaks, fuel breaks and ass breaks. You might average 50 mph including the breaks. So 4-5 hours, plus lunch.

With a passenger, I genuinely find the more often we stop, the more enjoyable the ride is. Sometimes we will take a whole day just to go 200 miles. You should always stop for lookouts, pictures, ice cream, coffee, lakes, etc.

One last thing... Getting an intercom really revolutionized riding with a passenger or another biker for the better. It`s very surreal, and very fun to chat while riding. You really feel like you`re sharing the experience and the emotions. I`ve got a pair of Scala Rider Q2`s. They`re pricey, but amazing.
