Another BS article about us and our culture


New Member
As soon as something happens in this country, the liberal media picks it up and runs away with it. Insert any topic. Motorcycles...such as the incident in NY...Guns...such as the shootings in Newton, CT...Amusement rides...such as the Six Flags Over Texas Roller Coaster... Whatever their target is for the day, there is always a demand for more restrictions or more federal involvement or a crack down on something. The articles written, the calls to action and the new proposed laws are always dreamed by an outsider who doesn't have a clue about what's really happening. I hope that with some time this too will fade from the news.


New Member
There are bad apples in every bunch and unfortunately as stated before the media only runs wild with those stories that will be the most sensationalist. I haven't seen any media stories about the guy (or girl) that is out for the pure enjoyment of the road and the scenery and gives the same courtesy to other motorists as he expects back . Im not sure how these "stunt" riders sudennly represent all motorcycle or crotch rocket riders. That mean all Harley riders are criminals and wife beaters? if so there are a lot of criminals around here! If they outlawed every activity that had stupid people making a bad name for the rest we wouldn't be allowed to do anything.


New Member
"And their stunts are captured by cameras on their helmets, posted online with hip-hop music"....hahaha...sounds like a anti-weed ad from the 50's or something...hip-hop music.. mama said thats the devils music
people get to rantin and ravin and just go overboard....yea just like with everything theirs bad seeds, but that doesnt mean we all are. it goes for anything that the media feels like picking on that day...B.S.
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New Member
I'm not sure about riding without rego and blocking hwys.

Then there's guys on bikes that want to ride in groups that have rego.

Do you chase un-registered bikes down ?


New Member
Let's be real, its CNN we're talking about here. One point I found interesting was that they said that motorists should dial 911 if there are a large number of bikes around.. How the hell do they think we feel everyday? I wish I could call 911 if I was surrounded by cars. There wouldn't be any cagers left!

Sent from my C5170 using Tapatalk


New Member
Another rant against the "liberal media" on the forum. This is getting old. If you actually read the article you'd see that they are talking about self-professsed "stunt bikers", not casting aspersions on all people that ride "crotch rockets". We have these clowns in Atlanta too, taking over sections of I-20 and I-285 whenever the urge to "be cool" strikes. They don't do anything to help the image of most motorcyclists and don't care.

Regarding calling 911 if you're surrounded by these guys is pretty good advice, as opposed to confronting them as happened in NYC. If you were driving your motorcycle and a pack of souped up street legal race cars surrounded you and drove aggressively, I'd advise you to call 911 as well.

So, what say, we get these chips off our shoulders and use the forum to discuss motorcycles in general and the FZ6R specifically?


Active Member
I don't know... as I read it, they're talking about these large groups of bikes that virtually take over the road being reckless and putting themselves and others in grave danger. I think they're the ones we should be angry with. They're doing things that shine a bad light on all of us. I didn't read anything there that looked unfair, if you are objective in your reading.


As soon as something happens in this country, the liberal media picks it up and runs away with it. Insert any topic. Motorcycles...such as the incident in NY...Guns...such as the shootings in Newton, CT...Amusement rides...such as the Six Flags Over Texas Roller Coaster... Whatever their target is for the day, there is always a demand for more restrictions or more federal involvement or a crack down on something. The articles written, the calls to action and the new proposed laws are always dreamed by an outsider who doesn't have a clue about what's really happening. I hope that with some time this too will fade from the news.
Well said.
The guy in the SUV was wrong (shouldn't bump riders from behind), fear or not, using a SUV as a weapon versus a bike the SUV always wins.
So will all bike rallies be banned? Or just the ones for "Crotch Rocket" riders?

Reminds me of the days that Harley rider gangs would try and beat up anyone riding a "Rice Burner"(Japanese made motorcycle). :eek:
There are about 7 million riders in America, out of 300 million (+) that is a small percentage of the population.

I love my FZ6R.


New Member
Another rant against the "liberal media" on the forum. This is getting old. If you actually read the article you'd see that they are talking about self-professsed "stunt bikers", not casting aspersions on all people that ride "crotch rockets". We have these clowns in Atlanta too, taking over sections of I-20 and I-285 whenever the urge to "be cool" strikes. They don't do anything to help the image of most motorcyclists and don't care.

You're right, the article focuses on "stunt riders" using the streets as their playground. Unfortunately, it also stereotypes anyone on a sport bike or a "crotch rocket" as they call it, into the same category as the stunt riders. Anyone who is out riding around minding their own business is now guilty by association. All these articles do is get non riders more angry about the situation. The events in NY unfolded by the actions of the riders, not the bikes they were on.
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New Member
You're right, the article focuses on "stunt riders" using the streets as their playground. Unfortunately, it also stereotypes anyone on a sport bike or a "crotch rocket" as they call it, into the same category as the stunt riders. Anyone who is out riding around minding their own business is now guilty by association. All these articles do is get non riders more angry about the situation. The events in NY unfolded by the actions of the riders, not the bikes they were on.

agreed. pretty much my point. without my typing it out.


New Member
You're right, the article focuses on "stunt riders" using the streets as their playground. Unfortunately, it also stereotypes anyone on a sport bike or a "crotch rocket" as they call it, into the same category as the stunt riders. Anyone who is out riding around minding their own business is now guilty by association. All these articles do is get non riders more angry about the situation. The events in NY unfolded by the actions of the riders, not the bikes they were on.

your totally right, guilt by association. Its like being a raider fan. I mean I am sure there is maybe 10 or 20 that are good natured people but its just the other 40 or 50 thousand that give them a bad name LOL. You guys see a lot of pea heads riding wheelies or other tricks down the freeway or just on the street? I haven't. That stuff is fine but should be kept off the roads and done in parking lots or tracks or other facilities.


Guilt by association is why I tried to change the look of the FZ6R as much as I can and still stay true to it roots.
I could see people in their cages looking at me after the story ran, you can almost hear what the people were thinking.
To be honest this is no more of a stigma than the Harley rider is a gang member dogma.
Segregation is a part of our society on many different levels. :eek:


New Member
Guilt by association is why I tried to change the look of the FZ6R as much as I can and still stay true to it roots.
I could see people in their cages looking at me after the story ran, you can almost hear what the people were thinking.
To be honest this is no more of a stigma than the Harley rider is a gang member dogma.
Segregation is a part of our society on many different levels. :eek:

True Story: a few days after the video went public, a buddy of mine on his Thruxton was ran over at a red light, and the lady who hit him told the piggies that she "felt threatened and feared for her life". My friend is 5'5", on a Thruxton, at 0500, wearing a visibility vest, waiting for a red light. I mean, seriously, how much more dangerous can you get?

And i see daily squids doing wheelies, i guess its all about location.
