Painting plastic "intake scoops" to match fairings


New Member
I've done several searches to see if anyone has painted the black plastic "intake scoop" pieces to match the fairings of their bike. So far, I have only found pics of painted openings (below), but not the entire black piece. Has anyone attempted this?

I don't own an FZ6R yet, and I don't recall from my test ride if the plastic is smooth and easily paintable or if it's a textured plastic. Is there a reason no one has attempted this? Any input is much appreciated. Thanks!


Thanks for the quick replies! I am considering a white '13 FZ6R, and already have a decent list of mods planned if I pull the trigger on one in the next few weeks. I thought it might look nice if I could have the black plastic intakes and a Puig rear hugger sprayed and cleared with factory color to match the fairings. You weren't kidding about the Color Rite being expensive! 1 pint of base coat and 1 pint of top coat are $134 EACH!

1090 Base - ColorRite

Yamaha 0390 Bluish White Cocktail #1 (BWC1) - ColorRite
My lame attempt at using MS Paint to simulate what I am imagining for the paint scheme (it's so small because anything bigger and the crude quality of the edits becomes too distracting from visualizing the changes)


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I think fzwhite just did a retrofit on a bike with white scoops, check it out on his facebook page..

Thanks for the heads up, I saw those pics, but it's just the opening not the entire plastic scoop.


That one on fzwhite's FB page is not quite the look I'm going for...


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