I was left speechless when....


New Member
A 30+ year old female told me my bike was "cute" - not sure if it was supposed to be a compliment or not. She didn't look to be the type to ride a Diavel.
A 30+ year old female told me my bike was "cute" - not sure if it was supposed to be a compliment or not. She didn't look to be the type to ride a Diavel.

Thats better than when you awnser the phone and the marketer people say "Maam are you there?" because of your voice lol

thats a nut suck kick when that happens
She would have been thinking of riding more than a Diavel and probably wanted to ravish a studly young "cute bike" rider back home.
Weaker men would have swallowed their pride and be tempted by the temptation.
The wise strong man, that probably also scores less with the ladies, would have realised immediately that she was trying to establish dominance in the relationship and treat you like a toyboy, only caring for her own sexual gratification and not really caring for your feelings, you were right to therefore stand tall and unmoved before her instead. Maybe she was a dominatrix and had a collection of whips ready to punish the weak minded toyboy ? or maybe not, I've got a big imagination sometimes.
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Nothing, I showed her. :0

LOL my cat does what that cat is doing hahahaha

Giving you the eyes that tell you he can claw your eyes out in your sleep? Or sitting on your computer? :D
yeah that whole 'your ____ is cute' is so f'd up, are they flirting, is it a dis, or a genuine complement?

girls, don't be sayin anything about a man is cute, that's just messed up.
Thats better than when you awnser the phone and the marketer people say "Maam are you there?" because of your voice lol

thats a nut suck kick when that happens

My wife,,Annette is a special ed teacher. we get alot of phone calls during the school year AND if I answer the phone..I get "Hello Annette?" I answer .."It's Mr. Annette"!:rolleyes:
I had a lady in the walmart parking lot ask me if it was a scooter... literally crushed my ego for the next 3 days
