Issues after installing +1 front sprocket



Arrow lines already are lined up (with the clutch lever out). :confused:

What push rod are you refering to, and how do you adjust it?

We need a community manual for everyone. There is a push rod that goes from the left side to the right side to activate/release the clutch, it consists of a rod, ball bearing, and a adjuster.
When you pull the clutch the arm on the left side of the bike pushes against the rod activating the clutch or should I say releasing the clutch plates.
Have had to adjust clutches like this for a long time when rebuilding clutches, I can't see why just removing the left side would require the adjustment to be needed, but stranger things have happened.
Sadly only way to adjust the push rod is to take the clutch housing off.
Again don't see why just removing the left side would warrant push rod readjustment.
When checking marks on left side cable should be off and twist the arm toward the mark , arm should stop and arrow should line up with mark, if not the push rod has to be adjusted to make the alignment correct.
If all of this is correct, the new levers just need getting use to.
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Michael Wilson

New Member
Adjusting your clutch and adjusting the clutch cable are two complete different things. The clutch cable adjustment is for when the actual clutch cable stretches. The clutch adjustment is for when the clutch plates wear down. Two different adjustments that people don't understand...

Michael Wilson

New Member
Just adjust the cluth and clutch cable properly. That's the most common solution/mistake.


Thuper Moderator
Premium Member
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Cynical Member
Elite Member


Cynical Member
Elite Member


With my 2 finger short levers I have to pull all the way to the grip and then it doesn't take much to engage the clutch from that point, lever angle is at position number 1, if on 4 it takes a little more let off to engage clutch, and that is with recommended slack.


Cynical Member
Elite Member
