What kind of gas do you use and how much per gallon.

87 @ $3.89/gal

Why do some of you use 91? The manual clearly states to use 86 and above. Doesn't say we need premium.
87 @ $3.89/gal

Why do some of you use 91? The manual clearly states to use 86 and above. Doesn't say we need premium.

haha dont start! It makes them "feel" better ;) Does nothing else than empty the wallet more. Not needed. Had a LONG thread discussion on this before.
haha dont start! It makes them "feel" better ;) Does nothing else than empty the wallet more. Not needed. Had a LONG thread discussion on this before.

lol... alright, let's leave it at that :thumbup:
West coast isn't the best coast. :cool:

You obviously haven't been here before! We put up a couple walls to keep most people out, only cool people can make it past those walls we call the Cascades and Rocky mountain ranges.

87 @ $3.89/gal

Why do some of you use 91? The manual clearly states to use 86 and above. Doesn't say we need premium.

For my bike in particular, not a fz6r but a fz6 and they still recommend 87. But my bike is from stock and it predestinates like a mofo on 87 and at idle it almost feels like a diesel. It runs smooth as silk on premium though.
I only do it if I don't have any startron. I don't like using the ethinol if I can help it.

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 2

exactly why I use it along with habit since my car requires 91 or higher, shell is the only station that doesn't have ethanol in their gas around here sadly
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In CA we only have 91 octane as our premium that is readily available. So I don't run anything less than that in my 6R.
Seriously... All summed up nicely on this map. It feels good to know that I live in one of the expensive areas - that means I get better gas, right?

And that is why i cross the river into the green state from my orange one :D
I thought that running anything more than 87 octane was a waste?

On a fairly stock bike It is, some people choose to run premium because it has less ethanol which can damage some rubber parts. Plus during the summer months in hotter climates sometimes stock bikes can start to predetenate, if they do running a higher octane will cure that.

Plus on bikes that move a lot of air (modified intake and exhaust) they tend to run a little hotter if they have not been tuned properly. A higher octane fuel will also help in this situation.
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Usually 87 octane and currently $3.60 /gallon.

Once in a while I stop at a station 8 miles from home in a direction I rarely travel that has ethanol free fuel and it is over $4/gallon.

I use 91 octane and have been getting around 45+ mpg. 90% of my riding is spirited canyon j maybe 10% freeway getting there & home.

The guy who bought my 6R back in March says he's getting 54MPG with the 6R. (He mostly commutes to school with it.) But, he also msg'd me recently and says he's getting ready to sell her already cuz he wants a Street Triple.

