tarping my neighbors gsxr (w/o permission)

i live in an apartment complex and my neighbor doesnt park his bike under the overhang and never ever covers it.

i feel bad for the bike,,,,its raining this week, if i throw my extra tarp over it without his permission,,,,will i be overstepping a boundary??
No, I think that is a great gesture! However, I am a girl and am more sensitive to that type of thing. :rolleyes:

Maybe throw a note with it stating your intentions. If he gets butt hurt about it, then that's his own problem. He'll get over it.
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I would not touch it. It is his bike and if you scratch it with a tarp eye or anything else, (wind flapping the tarp dents the tank/scratches the plastics, anything can happen). I would stay away. They can take care of their own stuff. You do not need the liability. I would be upset if I came out and a dirty tarp was flapping around on my bike!
if you are that concerned with his bike , catch him out one time and mention you have an extra tarp you would let him have/use . I wouldnt touch his bike though like previously stated any damage that could occur would be on you .....
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It's a Suzuki...let it get rained on and watch it rust......
if you are that concerned with his bike , catch him out one time and mention you have an extra tarp you would let him have/use . I wouldnt touch his bike though like previously stated any damage that could occur would be on you .....

agreed completely, nice gesture, but talk to him first.
You could also just put the tarp somewhere close by with a note for him to use it.

I wouldn't put it on the bike without permission either

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I would definitely go mental on someone who tarped my anything. Good intentions or not, you never have any business touching someone else's stuff unless it's an emergency (like you come home and it's been tipped, you can pick it up and knock on his door and tell him what happened.) That's it.

If you don't secure a tarp just right, they can easily scratch or scuff bodywork. Or under a heavy rain, if the tarp soaks through, now it's just trapping that water and hot water vapor under there when the sun comes out. Etc etc.

His bike, his responsibility.

Yea, I'm with Mike on this one. I think it's a nice gesture, but the owner might not see it as one.
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Aww well I guess I'm the only optimist here. LoL I kid I kid!

If it were me and someone thru a tarp over my bike, I would see it as someone doing something nice for me. Looking out for my bike, if you will. I wouldn't think they were doing that to mess up my bike.... That would be the last thing on my mind. If it got scratched, yes I'd be pissed, but acknowledging that someone was just trying to help? I wouldn't place blame on them for scratching it..... It wasn't their intention.

I see it as a very thoughtful gesture. But, geez, now I'd be afraid to do something like that! Wouldn't want to get pounded to the ground over it! Yikes!
TARPS ARE NOT MOTORCYCLE COVERS! A wet bike can be dried...a scratched paint job not as easily fixed. However, the thought is lovely, not enough people care enough to do something nice for a stranger. I feel your pain it hurts to watch a bike get abused... its like an ASPCA commercial outside your window.. I'm sorry.

thanks folks, not touching it. he dont care i guess i dont care, makes me less likely to buy a used bike in the future tho.

Was one of the reasons I bought new. You never know how someone else treated the bike before you. A bike with more miles on it probably has even more chance of having been neglected.

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