Got taken out by a car (NSFW)


New Member
So was heading home from the dealership after picking up some chain wax when traffic started to slow way down and started to split lanes (LEGAL IN CALIFORNIA) and was going about 25-30 in 2nd gear and was going along fine when a toyota camery changed lanes while i was coming up next to him and he didn't see me and BAM hit his rear door all the way down to his fornt. I'm sure what did the serious damage to me was the right side mirror which to my theory shattered and cut right through my leather jacket and got my arm right below the elbow one hell of a cut.

all in all I'm alive and just had to get a ton of stitches and let the doctor tear into me to clean everything out but im fine. bike..not o much. right front fork was in half and left was bent bad and while my handle bars are straight the front wheel is sideways but hey its metal and plastic that i may loved a lot but I'll take me in one piece.

I think the driver was more shook up then me as he was shaking and what not, gave him a lil half hug and said hey look im good your good, sounds like a good day to me. now time to figure out all the insurance stuff and pray they find him at fault and not the CA bs no ones at fault crap or ill be paying for a bike i dont have :zombie:

Only have basic insurance to make it street legal :eek: Well fml money wise but thank God i'm up and just let time do its thing for my arm

Safe Riding to all of you and sit back and enjoy one of these for me :iconbeer: ...damn meds lol

W/E it was the cut me it made a nice "V" shape and cut me like a razor..and it somehow it just missed the armor in my jacket..i think the collision moved the armor enough for w/e to sneak in and cut me


paramedic took a crappy pick but...


Glad you're still with us and in pretty good shape. That is gunna leave one pretty scar ;)
glad your safe. Next time get full coverage. ;) Glad to see you had leathers even though it didnt seem to help much in this rare instance. Sweet scar though! Im glad your safe
glad your ok man! sorry bout the bike
Looks like a nasty cut. Keep it clean and eat and sleep well.

Most side mirrors have a metal base pivot point which has helped deter me from giving them a boot before, if the thought ever crosses my mind.

Hope it heals well and the bike gets fixed quick.
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:eek: OUCH !!!! Glad its not any worse.. but dang that looks like it hurt!
Ummm.... I would think "A car hit me while riding my motorcycle" is about as manly as it gets.

True... just the fact that it involved a motorcycle makes it bad-ass and manly IMO.

Glad you're still with us and good luck with the insurance.

When changing lanes, it is the car changing lanes responsibilityto verify it is safe to make the lane change.
Obviously the car failed to properly make sure it was safe to make the lane change so he is guilty of making an unsafe lane change. pretty simple logic....

Hopefully he will be issued a ticket for an unsafe lane change (21658(a)VC) and you will be reimbursed 100% for your loss as well as lost wages and pain and suffering.

Get lots of photos of the wounds because you will need all the evidence you can get. That scar is forever and what happens when you are 58 like me and hurt like hell and go "Gee I remember when I broke this or that" or "That sure was a bad accident I got into". All these accidents add up and believe me if I wasn't allowed to take Motrin every morning, I'd think about ending it all because your quality of life has been severely diminished...Not now but later on....Make them pay you for your suffering.
There is no excuse for the cager to not have used his rear view mirror.
He could have easily killed you.

Besides...that's a pretty manly scar dude.....

Here is an example.....from a web site..cager's story....
21658(a)VC - Unsafe Lane Change
Dash thru Speed, Approx. P.F./Max Spd., Veh Lmt., Safe,

As I was approaching a red light in a congested intersection I slowed-down and signaled to move into the left turning lane once traffic moved (light turned green). As the the light turned yellow an approaching car slowed-down and waved me into their lane. I completely (slowly) merged into the lane and stopped (light turned red); then I heard a motorcycle cops' horn. I waited thru the light made my left turn and drove out about 50ft before the cop signaled me to pull over.

The cop approached my car; took my info and told me I nearly sideswiped him. I apologized and explained to him that I did not see him when I looked over my shoulder; he must have been in my blind-spot. He wrote-up the citation and told me to look harder next time and that his heart was still racing. I apologized again and reiterated the fact that I did look over my shoulder and did not see him. He told me "it happens to all of us."
