anyone getting 'the new iPad' ?


New Member
I have the iPad 2, and other than the camera being crappy, I'm happy with it. No need for me to upgrade. Anyone else dropping the $$$ for the new version?
I have the iPad 1 and I still wouldn't upgrade. I can never use it for stuff I truly want to use it for so I would rather just drop that money on a decent laptop. I'll personally get more out of it.
yeah, it's basically just a big iphone. the main thing I like is the battery life for when I travel, but I agree it definitely doesn't take the place of my laptop.
The battery life is pretty good, I mainly use it for long car rides from Miami to Tampa / Orlando etc. I can get about 2 movies out of 1 charge. It is definitely more portable than a laptop and better battery life, but no flash is killer for web content. Some websites have html5 versions but not everything does.

I just can't think of a scenario that I'm not more fluent with the iPad than I am with a laptop.
I love my Ipad 2....the new one doesnt host any benefit yet to upgrade....they need to make some pretty amazing advancement for me to replace the current one.
I've never even bought any of the iPads, not starting now where I can do the same crap on my macbook, ipod, and android. just seems like a waste of money when you already have other tools to do the same stuff :\
I love my ipad2 that I got just before Christmas but regret not buying the 32 or 64gb versions. Now I got a reason to upgrade and flog off the old one.

My 5yo daughter probably uses it more than me. She absolutely loves it! She will play the games, read books, watches movies and other educational apps. Doesn't need me to change channels, insert discs, setup puzzles etc.

I strongly recommend them for kids.

I myself am a big iBooks fan. I haven't touched my laptop since buying it (use desktop for serious stuff).

Can't wait to see how crisp this new screen will be seeing as it has a resolution higher than my 58" tv.
I have the original and the 2... i've fallen out of love with both. I've never been an Apple guy and this has confirmed it. I have the Galaxy Nexus too and I am starting to wonder why I need a tablet. I even watched a full HD movie from it on my TV last night by way of a $15 adapter.

Would love to see what's going to happen this summer. Windows 8 is supposedly going to be flexible to act as a regular OS and a tablet OS on the right hardware.

Transformer Prime HD is tops on my list for a new tablet... but I have a feeling there will be something better by the time I pull the trigger.
I just took the cheap route to a tablet. My son found a nook color that was bricked. So I flashed it to use gingerbread android. Now I have a badass droid tablet. :D
Ordered mine yesterday with hopes that I can offer it to my wife in exchange for the MacBook I gave her last year. I have the iPhone 3GS, so don't know why I would need a non-phone wi-fi only device..., and I like real keyboards.
I just took the cheap route to a tablet. My son found a nook color that was bricked. So I flashed it to use gingerbread android. Now I have a badass droid tablet. :D

how the hell did you do this?
