I'm new here, but I guess you know BeeBike


New Member

Hi there! I’m kind of new here. But you may have seen BeeBike and his new Givi V35 side cases here, or seen his new reflective tape here. Or you may remember his introduction to the forum here. I want to thank everyone who helped my husband, UselessPickles, as he gathered information to try to convince me to make the jump from a cruiser to a mini-sport-tourer – best decision of my life.

As for me, I’ve been riding for 6 years, and this past June I got the love of my motorcycle life – my 2009 cadmium yellow FZ6R! Quite a switch for me - my previous two bikes had been cruisers, and my more recent cruiser (Honda Shadow Spirit 750) handled like a pregnant yak, and dragged peg around even the most gradual of corners - NOT what I was looking for. My husband, UselessPickles, silently catalogued my list of “I wish this bike could just’s” and went on the search for a bike that would fit all my needs – he came up with the FZ6R. Initially, I was unconvinced.

I’ll admit, I was really stubborn about even trying a sport bike, and put up a fight. But after I got to test ride an FZ6R, I was SOLD. Even on that five minute test ride, I knew that I had never had as much fun as I had on that bike. I wanted one. Really bad. Really REALLY bad. Suddenly going back to riding the cruisers didn’t seem like so much fun anymore.

UselessPickles, being the great guy that he is, made sure that I had an FZ6R sitting in the driveway by the end of the next day. (Yeah, he got major bonus points for that one). Ever since then, I’ve pretty much lived for the ride. UP and I would go riding a couple times a week (whenever we could get someone to watch the kids), and I started solo riding more often. I put more miles on my new bike (affectionately named, BeeBike) in 5 months than I had put on my previous two bikes (combined) in 5 years. I just can’t get enough of it, and have even been riding through the winter (which take determination up here in Michigan), which I have never done before.

Anyway, just thought I’d say “Hi,” and thanks to everyone for all the information along the way.

awesome pics, congrats! :thumbup:
Welcome aboard... looking forward to your posts! :welcome:
Welcome. I know what you mean. I used to ride a cruiser but would never go back to them.

The fz6r is so much more fun to ride.
Thanks guys!

Is your bike lowered?

Nope, the seat's at the standard height. Initially, I was seriously concerned about the bike being too tall for me (since i'm just under 5'6"), but as you can see its a pretty good fit. My legs might be excessively long though...who knows.
Thanks guys!

Nope, the seat's at the standard height. Initially, I was seriously concerned about the bike being too tall for me (since i'm just under 5'6"), but as you can see its a pretty good fit. My legs might be excessively long though...who knows.

what is your inseam length, have your hubby take a tape measure and put it on the floor and run it up the inside of your leg just below the crotch and that'll be the measurement that tells you if you have "excessively" long legs. Though I can't see long legs on a woman being excessive.... Not being sexist or nasty, just pointing out a fact....
Alright, my inseam measurement is 32 inches. While I was at it, I measured the sole of my riding boot, since it's pretty thick too, and it adds an additional 1.25 inches at the heel. So all geared up, the total would be 33.25 inches. :)
Sorry for the late welcome, but.... :welcome:
