fz6r down....


New Member
Sooo the wife took her msf last week and passed, all was dandy. Left the bike for her today because she wanted to drive it. Got a phone call a little while ago from her road side, downed the bike. Luckily it was at a stop so shes not hurt. Sounds like she came to a stop on the road crown and it spooked her and down it went. Not sure the full logistics but it got dropped twice, leaking coolant, and a cop helped her get it off the road into a parking lot and there it sits. Idk the damages yet but she said the frame sliders took the brunt of it. Idk how fast she was moving or how it all happened, I didnt really care to be honest. I asked her if she was okay as thats all that matters. Shes fine, but shes cracked, says she never wants to drive a bike and keeps calling herself stupid and all kinds of things. Idk what to say other than try to comfort her but its hard because I am at work an hour and a half away. I feel really bad for her, and also for my bike. Idk how well the bike will run or anything as I know impact on the ground jolts alot of shit....I suppose the next step is getting it inspected?
Shit man.... :(

Sorry to hear that. Glad she is ok and didnt get hurt. It will take a while for her to get over it. Def get the bike inspected for any hidden damage.
Hope she's okay...
:( it could've been a lot worse
Glad she's ok. Sorry to hear about your bike brother. The bike can be replaced not the girl ;) Make sure you get the bike inspected for sure. Might be a lot of hidden damages... Anyhow, keep us posted, upload pic's when you get a chance.
anyone know what could cause the leaking coolant? I suppose its just speculation right now....
anyone know what could cause the leaking coolant? I suppose its just speculation right now....

either something got busted, doubt it as was low speed, prob. the recovery tank over spill.

either way, you want to remove all the plastics and check for damage... good luck
either something got busted, doubt it as was low speed, prob. the recovery tank over spill.

either way, you want to remove all the plastics and check for damage... good luck

Glad shes alright man, get that bike inspected at a shop to see whats wrong with it if any.

I remember when I downed my first bike it was hard to take in mentally but you know theres 2 type of riders out there and thats the people that haven't down a bike yet and those that already have.
hope everything ends well.

There is definetly going to be a mental challenge there for a while, but hopefully you can help get her past it.
Sorry to hear about her misfortune. Anybody could fall at the right stop sign with a high crown, gravel, sand. Explain that to her. it's not the end of the world. If she can't flat foot it, I personally would consider lowering the suspension on it. I think I will eventually do that for my wife when she gets licensed...

Your coolant leak is most likely the expansion tank/reservoir, and it shouldn't be a problem.
This is embarrasing, but I've dropped mine twice, once when I was parking it and the other at a red light. Stupid. It happened because I wasn't paying attention - the bike's top-heavy and I let it go a little too far, then couldn't save it. I left the scars on the paint - they keep me humble.

My guess is that she's discouraged because she got so far out of her comfort zone. It might help to let her experiment with the balance by letting her lean it back & forth while you serve as a spotter to catch it when it starts to lean too far. Practicing where she feels safe might help restore her confidence.

Regarding the coolant leak, the cap on my reservoir came loose when I dropped it the first time.
