GPS Tracking


New Member
Well, first post on this forum! I got a 2009 FZ6R (Raven) about two months ago. Ive been looking into putting a GPS tracker on it, but have no idea how to go about it. their seems to be a ton of different services online that offer a tracker but i have no idea if any of them are reputable. Also, the local Yamaha dealership is less than helpful, wont even start on that. anyone have any advice?
where my bike goes if it gets stolen, most of my friends/family know that to touch my bike would probably mean instant death.
seems like for a GPS tracker you should just get LoJack with their First Alert option... reason-being, if the bike gets stolen, it's too risky for you to track it yourself, because for all you know it could be a chop shop ring- ie career criminals. LoJack works with local police to track your vehicle, and First Alert gives you a keyfob that lets you know the instant the vehicle has been tampered with.

if full coverage is not affordable yet- which it isn't for most of us newbies, me included- i guess it's a cheaper alternative during the interim as we wait for our rates to fall...

LoJack costs several hundred dollars to install, and then something like $500 or $600 per year annual renewal fee... that's money that you could be putting towards full coverage for your vehicle- which covers theft.

but, there are still some inherent issues with LoJack- even with full coverage... let's say you're somewhere- i dunno, say, snowboarding in Canada or something. you get alerted your vehicle is stolen by LoJack (assuming the cell signal even reaches there). what are you going to do? u can get yourself down to the lodge and call the cops- but you're hundreds of miles away. plus, your weekend is ruined. for all you know by the time the police start tracking it, the vehicle is already 1/2 disassembled. do u really want to give the insurance company the option of deciding whether to fix your vehicle? i'd rather not give them that choice and make them just get me a new one... seems like it protects the insurance company more than me.

i dunno, but these are just what comes to mind...
