speeding on bikes and cops


New Member
I always wonder why I never see cops pulls over bikers? Is there an understanding with cops that we have to go faster than other traffic that we speed? What do you think? I'm from So Cal and ride the freeway 15 daily and my average speed is usually 80 and the cops don't even blink. :eek:
Well your speedo is off by 8% so your actually going around 70-75mph:D
They will pull you over in Ontario. Just read that post about the rider that took off from a chase and dropped his passenger onto the road. Killed her in prob the most grizzly way imaginable.

The issue for sportbike riders that I can see and sympathize with is that in Ontario insurance has gotten so high...in the thousands of dollars per year for a 6 month riding summer...that many cant afford it. So instread they ride illegal...and run when they have too...

Its not a pretty sight as I know of two fatal crashes by bikes this summer around here in the Toronto area. Both involving the police.
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try speeding down San Gabriel Blvd south of Valley Blvd in San Gabriel (Los Angeles) any given Saturday night, and i almost guarantee that u'll get pulled over- be it if u r in 4 wheels or on 2... =D
This morning while dropping off my Son at his Mother's house, I turned onto Inglewood Ave and saw 2 Cop cars with 3 cars and a new retro Triumph pulled over for speeding as everyone speeds on Inglewood Ave and you have to be careful when pulling out. I was going to ride the bike but the temp and dewpoint were about the same and everything was wet and I hate to ride with a wet face shield and a soaked bike to dry off at work before I put on the cover (ya I keep my bike spotless). Then a few minutes later there was another cager pulled over on Grant and a search going on of a bag on the hood of the Cop car. This was all at 6:30 AM and I usually never see any Cops pulling anyone over in the morning. Maybe they need to generate some income to keep their jobs?
Of course I never speed with my kid on the back of the bike and only use residential streets or 35 and less streets with him riding but I do like to hit it hard periodically when I'm single but was driving the truck this AM so I wasn't worried.....LOL.
Been told by a cop hat they are not allowed to do high speed chase unless you just kill someone or something like that. But it's different from county to county. And honestly, by the time that they put the donuts down, the lid on the coffee cup and get going.... you're already out of sight! So if you are going to speed, do it right... lol But remember... as nice as our bikes are, it might not be the weapon of choice to get away from the cop. Drive safe.

Hey not all of us "cops" eat donuts!!! If I see a bike speeding I might make an enforcement stop... Most likely I would never issue a ticket, unless the idiot is do 150 through rush hour traffic. In a nutshell... If I attempt a stop, and the bike takes off, no pursuit.. To dangerous, not to mention I would never catch them...
Just depends on what cops I think,
About a month ago me and some friends took off pretty quick from a light out by the interstate in a 45 zone and 2 of us stayed at 55 and the other 2 just kept going and we passed a city cop who made no effort, and the next cop going into town made no effort. But a few weeks before while i was driving in my car, i saw two supersport blaze off the interstate with 3 state cops behind them and an unmarked charger blocking the road they turned on, lets just say one got his keys taken away and left on the side of the road while all of them went after his buddy.
That and it may just be what you did also, speeding off from a light with no chance to catch us is one thing, but idk what those 2 off the highway did.
News flash

I always wonder why I never see cops pulls over bikers? Is there an understanding with cops that we have to go faster than other traffic that we speed? What do you think? I'm from So Cal and ride the freeway 15 daily and my average speed is usually 80 and the cops don't even blink. :eek:

If I am not mistaken, many of the cops out in Cali. ride BMW R1200RT's. Is that right? Because if it is, they can chase you down at will. Your not going to be outrunning a BMW. Now if it's Harley, your gonna win! One final thought. If your going too fast they know natural selection is going to get ya anyway so why chase when they can wait and scoop you off the pavement or someone's bumper!

Pretty sure a modified Crown Vic can do more than 210(KPH) tapped out. FZ6R will not. Bikes accelerate and corner better, but you'd have to be a hell of a rider all the same to lose one. Besides that, I find often lately that when I see a cruiser, I see another one almost immediately. No bike is faster than a radio. Not worth the risk.
Pretty sure a modified Crown Vic can do more than 210(KPH) tapped out. FZ6R will not. Bikes accelerate and corner better, but you'd have to be a hell of a rider all the same to lose one. Besides that, I find often lately that when I see a cruiser, I see another one almost immediately. No bike is faster than a radio. Not worth the risk.

A Police Interceptor Crown Vic loaded with gear and a light bar tops out at about 130 MPH. A slick top...maybe a few more MPH's. Like Rook said, it isn't worth chasing a guy that wants to take off...with his ego from running from cops, he'll crash eventually all on his own. :spank:

try speeding down San Gabriel Blvd south of Valley Blvd in San Gabriel (Los Angeles) any given Saturday night, and i almost guarantee that u'll get pulled over- be it if u r in 4 wheels or on 2... =D

Haha yup...years ago I used to work at shop down the street. Co-worker got pulled over for doing 110mph down valley blvd in a customers Ferrari 355 :eek:
