Hard to shift into 6th


New Member
6th gear has always been a "little" bit of hard shift, meaning you really got pull up on the shifter to get it into 6th but yesterday while out on a pretty long ride in really hot weather (not sure if the heat has anything to do with it) I found it very hard to get it into 6th gear. I kept thinking I was already in 6th cause I'd pull in the clutch and try to go up and it wouldn't go, so I thought must be there but could tell by my rpm's that I wasn't in 6. When I was sure I was still only in 5th I'd really give it some muscle and it would go into 6.

Anyone else ever have this problem? Could this be the symptom of something I need to get looked at???????
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I actually find that 6th is the smoothest gear to select. In fact thats how sometimes I can tell I'm into 6th...sounds like you might have some issue inside the gearbox brewing...
Those aren't the answers I was hoping for, was hoping it was a FZ6R problem.
My wife has the exact same bike, she just got it a couple weeks ago, I'll take hers for a ride and compare.

agreed - my girl shifts into 6th as smooth as silk... best take it back to the dealer and see whats up.
I keep trying to shift into 7th :) (or is it actually 6th... 1 N 2345)
You may want to check your oil level as well.
Make sure your pulling in the clutch far enough or have it adjusted. It could have too much tension in it an not engaging, or disengaging, entirely making it diffcult to shift gear.

I know I'm pulling in the clutch far enough, usually pull it in all the way with every gear, I would think I'd have problems with other gears if it was the clutch.

I put a call into my dealer, probably gonna take it in tomorrow night, want to ride my wife's bike tonight to see how hers shifts,
we have the exact same bike but she just got it a couple weeks ago and I never thought about riding hers to compare until after I posted this thread this morning about this problem.

Its alsways seemed to do this, but was never to big of problem cause usually wasn't in/out of 6th to often but went on a fast-paced ride
yesterday with 11 other bikes and spent a lot of time in and out of 5/6th.

You may want to check your oil level as well.

I know I'm pulling in the clutch far enough, usually pull it in all the way with every gear, I would think I'd have problems with other gears if it was the clutch.

I put a call into my dealer, probably gonna take it in tomorrow night, want to ride my wife's bike tonight to see how hers shifts,
we have the exact same bike but she just got it a couple weeks ago and I never thought about riding hers to compare until after I posted this thread this morning about this problem.

Its alsways seemed to do this, but was never to big of problem cause usually wasn't in/out of 6th to often but went on a fast-paced ride
yesterday with 11 other bikes and spent a lot of time in and out of 5/6th.


You might be pulling in the clutch and the clutch needs adjustment. Cables stretch and you might need to tighten up the clutch a tad.
Check to make sure your clutch is properly adjusted, your chain is adjusted correctly, and your oil level is at the proper amount. If this is all correct, and your problem is still present, you may have an issue to address at a dealer.

1. Bent shift fork
2. Burrs on a shaft or shift drum problem.
3. Misaligned, worn, chipped, or broken teeth on some of the gears.

If you do not have many miles, or still under warranty, it is highly possible that it could be a factory defect. Make sure you tell a dealer that you do not speed shift and fully engage the clutch when up, and down shifting. If you do clutchless shifts, and they tear the tranny apart, they will see it. (doesn't sound like you ride like that anyway, just trying to keep them from claiming "abuse")

Hope this helps.
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Well I just got back in from riding both bikes and the difference was like night and day.

Hers shifted smoothly and effortlessly up and down thru all gears.
After riding hers, ALL my gears feel rough with 5 and 6 being really bad.

I've got a platinum service agreement so I'm gonna drop it off at the dealer tomorrow night.

As for speedshifting, nope, never done it. I have never had the clutch cable adjusted,
the chain has been done once earlier this season when I got some new tires.

My bike has 7600 or so miles on it and the wife's has 1200 or so.

I'll let you guys know what happens with the dealer, thanks.
I know I'm pulling in the clutch far enough, usually pull it in all the way with every gear, I would think I'd have problems with other gears if it was the clutch.

I put a call into my dealer, probably gonna take it in tomorrow night, want to ride my wife's bike tonight to see how hers shifts,
we have the exact same bike but she just got it a couple weeks ago and I never thought about riding hers to compare until after I posted this thread this morning about this problem.

Its alsways seemed to do this, but was never to big of problem cause usually wasn't in/out of 6th to often but went on a fast-paced ride
yesterday with 11 other bikes and spent a lot of time in and out of 5/6th.

6th gear --7000 rpm standard highway commuting speed
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Are your bikes the same color? Maybe you can swap when she's not looking?

Thats funny, they are the same color but there are other subtle differences.... I have frame sliders, a gopro mount on the windscreen and a tailight modulator.

So anyway, got the bike back from the dealer tonight, apparently I'm crazy. :(
They said nothings wrong with it, two different people rode it AND even rode my wifes
bike cause I took it up there too. They claim the difference between the two is very minimal.

I'm gonna wait and see, try and see when it acts worse, maybe it has to do with engine temperature?

We'll see.
