DC Metro Area Meet Up - August ??


New Member
Anyone want to meet up in August for some riding? What would be some good weekends for everyone????
I am hosting an s2000 meet in columbia on the 15th of august, you guys are more than welcome to ride up and hang out...

Lemme know if you have interest...
BUMP because i know there are some VA / MD Posters who i expect to reply to this!!!!:rant::rant::rant:
My sister just flew in tonight from Houston, so I cant go this weekend anymore =(.

Next week would awesome, but only on Saturday, anytime that day would be great =). I hope others find this thread and post. I believe thats it for this month. Maybe on the 29th...but thats tentative.
Would love to get a meet together! But my wife seems to dictate my schedule :D If I could get a babysitter, she would love to come too.

As for times, I dont know. You all can just set something up so I have a definite date to find a sitter for. Then I would most likely be able to join with the wifey.

I THINK, we have a sitter on the 15th of this month. As long as they dont bail. My MIL is supposed to watch the kiddo overnight. Not sure what time we are supposed to have her there.
Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th

Ok, I can ride this weekend, on either day. I thought I was going to need Sunday, but that cleared up.

Any time on either day would work for me.

I dont really care where we go. So, lets say 11 AM Saturday 15th of August?

Too early? Too late?
Damn this coming weekend I have to go to Richmond...christening & birthday with my twin.

I'm down for the 22th - 23th or 29th weekend.
I have a dinner to attend on the Saturday the 22nd. However, the 23rd, for now, seems like it could work.
Would love to get a meet together! But my wife seems to dictate my schedule :D If I could get a babysitter, she would love to come too.

As for times, I dont know. You all can just set something up so I have a definite date to find a sitter for. Then I would most likely be able to join with the wifey.

I THINK, we have a sitter on the 15th of this month. As long as they dont bail. My MIL is supposed to watch the kiddo overnight. Not sure what time we are supposed to have her there.

Just cause Area cant make it this coming weekend, doesnt mean we shouldnt meet up; unless you would rather wait, of course. But, if you do want to go for a run on the 15th, let me know.
I'll have to check what time the babysitter is for. If its too late, the wife will probably want to wait. I should know by tomorrow.
Sounds like lots of peeps on this site are from VA. Once I un-newb myself out here on some of the nice, newly paved streets of Western Loudoun :) , I'll have to meet up with you guys.

I'll probably spend the 1st week in the neigborhood, then maybe venture down to Purcellville and back.
Sounds like lots of peeps on this site are from VA. Once I un-newb myself out here on some of the nice, newly paved streets of Western Loudoun :) , I'll have to meet up with you guys.

I'll probably spend the 1st week in the neigborhood, then maybe venture down to Purcellville and back.

heh, "un-newb".:cheer: You did complete your MSF, right? I spent an hour in my neighborhood before venturing out to 50, which led to 66, and finally 495. By the end of the afternoon, I was planning to commute to work the next day.

In any case, let us know when you are confident enough for a run, and we'll meet up. I dont ride very fast anyways. The only time I hit triple digits :eek: is by myself out on 66 west where its straight and flat for at least a good half a mile.

heh, "un-newb".:cheer: You did complete your MSF, right? I spent an hour in my neighborhood before venturing out to 50, which led to 66, and finally 495. By the end of the afternoon, I was planning to commute to work the next day.

In any case, let us know when you are confident enough for a run, and we'll meet up. I dont ride very fast anyways. The only time I hit triple digits :eek: is by myself out on 66 west where its straight and flat for at least a good half a mile.

I did the MSF out at Lord Fairfax CC in May and got my endorsement at the DMV like two days later :D I rode a Suzuki DR200 which was pretty cool and I still want one of those as well.

I rode my sister's older Buel Blast last month - hated that thing. Then rode my bro-in-law's 2001 CBR around their neighborhood and then down and back on a country road and felt pretty good.

Going from the MSF course to 50mph down a country road is quite a difference. It's just strange going that fast on a bike with no cage around you for the first time. At traffic lights, you don't have that "anonymous in my car feeling" when on a bike. How the heck will I pick my nose and scratch my butt on a bike without someone noticing? ;)

I was a safe car driver before, but having taken the MSF and gone out on the road on a bike has made me even more observant than I was before. I look through turns in the car now rather than just "following the line" and even think to myself "outside-inside-outside" when taking a curve in the car.

I'm probably just being overly cautious, but sometimes I don't even feel safe on the toll road or 495 in my car with the things that I see people do. I'll probably feel much better once I get a few miles under my belt. Just need to watch out for those darned deer popping out from behind brush...
