Worst Fear while riding?

just wanted to add that not only women and teenage girls talk on the phone...can't tell you how many business men on the phone have almost taken me out on the 6r

blindness and stupidity know no gender ;)

I wondered when you were going to come to the cause. I was thinking it ,but it would have been breaking "Man Code" to correct him. :D
1) deer suck
2) soccermoms and others that are too distracted to remember how to drive
3) a tire blowing out. I watch it happen to a friend, not pretty
I wondered when you were going to come to the cause. I was thinking it ,but it would have been breaking "Man Code" to correct him. :D


I blew it this morning on the way to work. I pulled out into traffic and after I made the turn spied the R6 coming up on me at about 55 in a 35 zone bout 100 yards back. Everyone speeds in this area but I didn't look long and hard enough in the fog to discern a bike, just enough to see cars. My fault....
So I have a choice, move into the #1 lane and give him the lane he is in as he is coming up on me or stay in the lane I pulled out into and hug the curb. I hugged the curb and accelerated quickly. There was plenty of room and time and he did what I would have done, stayed on the throttle, moved to the #1 lane, passed and then back over and not even looked at the idiot cager.
I felt like an A$$ but he ignored me as I was ready to offer an apology if he looked over. 100 yards at 55 mph is not that much distance so I try not to pull out with anyone that close. People are asleep in the morning sometimes.....
I ride my bike home from work on the highway around 12 AM most nights and my biggest fear is a deer running out in front of me or one laying on the road already dead that I didn't see until it's too late. You just really don't have much control over stuff like that.

As for cagers, I think you can avoid most trouble just by driving very very defensively which I do. Hitting a patch of gravel on a turn is a concern, but I usually take it easy in the turns anyway. If I'm dragging a knee, it's because I fell off my bike, not because I'm trying to push it.
I blew it this morning on the way to work. I pulled out into traffic and after I made the turn spied the R6 coming up on me at about 55 in a 35 zone bout 100 yards back. Everyone speeds in this area but I didn't look long and hard enough in the fog to discern a bike, just enough to see cars. My fault....
So I have a choice, move into the #1 lane and give him the lane he is in as he is coming up on me or stay in the lane I pulled out into and hug the curb. I hugged the curb and accelerated quickly. There was plenty of room and time and he did what I would have done, stayed on the throttle, moved to the #1 lane, passed and then back over and not even looked at the idiot cager.
I felt like an A$$ but he ignored me as I was ready to offer an apology if he looked over. 100 yards at 55 mph is not that much distance so I try not to pull out with anyone that close. People are asleep in the morning sometimes.....

What can we say John? You blew it! :) We all make mistakes,I admire a man that can admit it like you did. Maybe some of the younger riders will learn from reading this that you just can't trust cagers. Even your friends.:) Your forgiven. :)
What can we say John? You blew it! :) We all make mistakes,I admire a man that can admit it like you did. Maybe some of the younger riders will learn from reading this that you just can't trust cagers. Even your friends.:) Your forgiven. :)

Ah gee thanks.....
Definitely gravel, dirt, unseen objects in the road (at night). Even a small patch of dirt the other day almost ended in disaster for me.
I did get a stomach virus once on the way home on my bike. I pulled up into my drive, hopped off the bike, ran to the bathroom, and "talked" to the toilet. Thank God I was able to get my full face helmet off while running into the house! I was sick for three days. So my fear is that I won't make it home if I get sick again!
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I was in the middle of the turn once, it wasn't a 90 degree turn, just a sharp left then sharp right, so it's fun. I was about probably 20 mph and the back tire went over a fallen palm branch. That scared the crap out of me! Slid the back tire about a foot but everything worked out just fine.
