When you aren't riding your motorcycle...


New Member
So yesterday when I was driving my car I see a motorcycle coming by on the opposite side of the road and my instinct was to do the wave...however I realized I was in my car and they probably wouldn't even see me.

Anyone else do this? What do you do when you aren't riding your motorcycle and see another rider?

When I first got my bike, I was waving at bikers and giving the "sign". I stopped shortly afterwards, as no biker acknowledge me. :cry:

Now, I just look at them go by, wishing I had the nerve of taking the bike out even though the forcast called for rain.
I've done the same thing. As a fellow MC rider, you are now more aware of their presence. Kinda like when you get a new car and all of a sudden, you start noticing the same type car everywhere you go.

I don't try to wave at them any more, but I do wish I were in their shoes. It happens most when my wife and I go out. She absolutely refuses to ride with me. So when I see a bike, I'm always nostalgic for mine. :eek:
Same for me. Plus, I always look to see what they are riding. I also notice that I'm more aware that there is a bike around me when I do see one.

When I first got my bike, I was waving at bikers and giving the "sign". I stopped shortly afterwards, as no biker acknowledge me. :cry:

Now, I just look at them go by, wishing I had the nerve of taking the bike out even though the forcast called for rain.
Caught myself doing this a few times...
Ever notice which demographic just doesn't acknowledge other riders?
Middle age guys riding big fat cruisers...

Was riding behind one last weekend - had about 8 other bikes do the wave thing, and he didn't respond to any - naturally, I did...

Pulled up on an angle behind him at lights and had a look. Wearing cowboy boots and from what I could tell, a manicure. Think he was one of those "I ride a bike so I'm a tough guy" yuppies. hehehehe....

Caught myself doing this a few times...
Ever notice which demographic just doesn't acknowledge other riders?
Middle age guys riding big fat cruisers...

Was riding behind one last weekend - had about 8 other bikes do the wave thing, and he didn't respond to any - naturally, I did...

Pulled up on an angle behind him at lights and had a look. Wearing cowboy boots and from what I could tell, a manicure. Think he was one of those "I ride a bike so I'm a tough guy" yuppies. hehehehe....


Funny you mention that. In my experience, its been the big fat guys riding whatever, that typically dont sign, nod, or anything. A few Harley's have done it, but usually they look at me and dont reply. Non harley cruisers are typically better. Touring bikers seem to be down waving at anyone. Almost every sport biker has waved or nodded. Every now and then they'll just go by, but probably cause they didnt see me.
I wave to anyone on two wheels. Dont matter if its a cruiser, sport bike, or moped. :thumbup:

Doesn't bother me to not get a wave back, although I do almost always get one. Figure they just didn't see me, or are having a bad day. Either way its all good.

But like the OP said, yeah I have to catch myself sometimes when I'm in my truck. By reflex my arm starts to move out while driving and seeing an oncoming bike :)
Never tried waving while caging it. I wave alot while I'm riding, most riders wave back, don't care if they don't though. Actually I notice the young kids on sportbikes wave the least (maybe they can't hold thier upper body up on one hand lol).
Waving while in a cage is just plain silly.. bikers aren't looking for that at all, and i'm sure if one actually saw it, they'd just think you were playing airplane with your non driving hand.

The real problem is SCOOTERS. I actually had 2 scooter riders gave me the low-sign this week. The nerve of those @#$% #$%@#$'ers.
I've waved a couple times, but only to large groups. The one-offs never seem to notice. Of course, I drive an SUV so I'm technically the enemy.

Waving while in a cage is just plain silly.. bikers aren't looking for that at all, and i'm sure if one actually saw it, they'd just think you were playing airplane with your non driving hand.

The real problem is SCOOTERS. I actually had 2 scooter riders gave me the low-sign this week. The nerve of those @#$% #$%@#$'ers.

Nah.... they've got 2 wheels and a gas powered motor... I think they're OK.. the problem I've got is those stupid E-BIKES (electric scooters, no license necessary, max speed 32 km/h (about 20 mp/h)!!!! When they wave I kind of just have to shake my head...

