what's your cutoff point temp wise ?


New Member
29 on a 2 hour ride. Its all about proper gear.


New Member
last night i i went out for a short ride, it was around 43 degrees. i just had a t-shirt on under my perforated leather jacket. i couldn't decide between speeding up to get home or go slower b/c the wind was making it brutal.

You should have sped up, because wind chill effect plateaus at about 35 mph.


New Member
ive ridden in 35 degree weather and been okay, cold legs is all. below that ill drive, no desire to freeze my buns off.

Insure Gal

New Member
Had a short group ride ( good cause- Remebrance Day run) last week and it was -1c that's 30.2f.... damned cold and my heated grips are busted (charge terminal is fried:() so my fingers were frozen!

My tire doesn't like when it's much colder than that plus they use a shite load of salt on the roads here :spank:and that can wreak havoc on the computer on our bikes if it gets in there.


New Member
Haven't hit a low limit in Florida yet. One morning last year on the way to work it was like 27 degrees... The coldest I think I've ever actually been on a bike it was 36 degrees and foggy - man THAT was a cold, wet, cold!


left today temp was 42 degrees was just going to the store for a short rip figured it get too cold..... not bad at all stayed out over 2 hours.

no snow to speak of yet in ny but i see out west they got dump on pretty good.


New Member
heated jacket liner and I am good for about 35 F on the FZ6R.
with the heated jacket liner, heated grips and heated seat I am good for about 20 F on the goldwing. I ride one or the other about every day all year long.


New Member
The freezing point and below when the the ground is not frozen is acceptable for riding with the proper gear. Now that the ground is starting to freeze I leave the bike in its parking spot in my shop.
:wav:Come on Spring :wav:


New Member
+1 for PinLock, it's the only thing that I found that works for the fogging.

We have snow and ice on the roads this week, but I rode everyday last week and it was 35-45 degrees. I wear snowmobile pants, and fleece beneath my Alpinestar leather jacket. My hands get cold, but the rest of me stays warm.

I've ridden a few times below freezing, but it has to be sunny and low humidity, because black ice is no fun. :mad:


New Member
I thinks it's going to be a non event this year, Freezing rain this morning in Montreal. Next week looks good,:D no snow in the forecast.


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Left the house this morning @ 6:45am. When I passed the local elementary school the outside air temp was 33 degF! I thought I was prepared for the cold but after about 15 minutes on the freeway my fingers were hurting. I was wearing silk glove liners, and mountainering type insulated gloves that are supposed to be good to -20 degF or so...well they don't work all that well at 75 mph, LOL. The rest of me was ok but not all that comfortable. I think heated gear is the way to go if you have to ride in the cold. Its about 65 degF now and a beautiful day. Guess we should have met for breakfast a little later in the day...go figure.


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New Member
Pretty much as Uno... 30F min; 95F max...
Hoping heated gloves will buy me at least me 10 precious degrees... :)
I haven't found a need for a heated jacket/jacket liner yet though, at 30F... just layering up seems to work decently enough.


Well-Known Member
about 45F is my cutoff as a minimum, just did 18F w/o fully proper gear and froze my hands and top of my legs

maximum would have to be around 90-100F depending on humidity


New Member
Ok...so this morning, I looked at my temp gauge at home and it said 31 degrees. I thought, "yeah, its cold, but I'll bundle up." I put on two t-shirts, a thrmal top, a sweatshirt and then my three layer jacket along with my riding pants with sweats on underneath and two pairs of socks and two bacalavas. I started riding and about 10 minutes into it, I was feeling pretty damn cold. I was pretty miserable as I rode, but had to keep going. My fingers were pretty numb and I just felt chilled all over. As I came across the Bay Bridge, I could feel that the temp had warmed up some from where I started (home/Napa). Once I got to work, I watched the local news as I defrosted, and the weather guy said that Napa had dipped down to 25 degrees at the time I left and the current temp in the City was 41 degrees. 25 degrees was just too damn cold for me with the wind chill factor and all....my hang guards may have helped some, but not enough. My finger tips were pretty cold. So, yeah the hand guards blocked a lot of wind, but the outside air temp was just too cold for my gloves, I guess.

So, all in all, I think if its about 38 or below, I'm gonna drive into work. I was just too uncomfortable for that hour long commute. Plus, I was too worried about hitting black ice, having rained here over the weekend and all.


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