What's the best way to Secure the bike from thieves??


New Member
Hello all,

I recently bought a FZ6R like a month ago. Today i saw a fellow rider wrote about how his bike was stolen from apartment. I am really sorry to hear about his loss. i have a question to all the members here what would be the best way to lock the motorcycle atleast at night????. i live in apartment and i don't feel safe parking it on open parking lot, but i don't have choice. The neighborhood is also not that safe looking at the past incident with cars parked overnight. now after reading stolen bikes i am really worried about my toy. Please share what you guys are doing to lock your toy safely over night in parking lots..

Thank you
I know that I bought theft insurance from my insurance company (State Farm) it is relatively inexpensive for piece of mind. Other than the traditional things lighted areas, chain it up, park up front in lots, etc that's just the chance we take. I try not to take it to places where I feel might not be the nest either. What going to happen is going to happen. Just make sure you take your cell phone and have your Bikes VIN# and tag written down to call the police in case of any problems. Good Luck
I got the Gorilla Cycle Alarm, keeps me at peace even if it goes off on false alarms because it's so sensitive, at night I chain my bike up against a pole and use a no name bike cover. That way if they lift the cover it'll set the alarm off and then they'll have to cut the chain too.
I think MikeN02 has the right idea. All the locks and chains won't stop a couple big guys with bolt cutters from lifting your bike into the back of a truck. A good alarm system, and the cover makes a lot of sense. You will also need the courage to face and confront someone who sets off that alarm..... If they hang around..... Good insurance and a low deductible can't hurt if you live in an area where you think you may become a victim. If someone really wants your bike bad enough, they will get it.
My friend had his F4i stolen right outside his work. He got it back and had to spend a couple hundred to fix it back up.

Since then he's been chaining his bike up to mine because I have an alarm. They can't steal his bike without having to move mine or making a ruckus and setting off my alarm.

I bought my alarm for about $140 USD, cheaper than a scorpio alarm that's $500.

I also set it off when I see little kids around my bike about to touch it etc and it scares the crap out of them and their parents notice.
I also set it off when I see little kids around my bike about to touch it etc and it scares the crap out of them and their parents notice.
LMAO!!!!! I bet that can cause some parents to have a larger laundry load after that happens.
I have a Lo-Jack and an unmodded bike. And good insurance.
i would say the best way is insurance and the alarm but the more fun way to go is to sleep by it with a shotgun
Honestly, if a thief wants your bike, they will take it. The only thing you can do is not make it so easy. A chain is only good if you wrap it around a pole, tree, something. You can use the disk lock also. This would make it harder for them to pick it up and throw it into a van.
The best is to deter someone from taking the bike.

Of course, if they are truly pros, liquid nitro can break those chains. So I've heard...
I paid for the GAP and the TAG.
I park it in a single car garage with a lock next to my Toyota Tacoma and I've been here 5 years.
If I hear my garage open, I am down there with a Vaquero Grande, pepper spray and a totally insane blinding flashlight ASAP.
I have heard unusual noises and after being blinded, the asshat surrendered while trying to get into an unlocked garage.
It is a matter of #1, hiding your precious jewel, #2 Be in a position to hear unusual activity and $3 ready to react and confront the thieves.

BTW the vaquero Grange is a 6" inch folding serrated blade that would scare Angelo Dundee....
LoJack is an excellent option. It won't keep your bike from getting stolen, but recovery is usually very quick, within minutes, much of the time.

Mine is guarded by Gaston Glock during the day, and Samuel Colt at night. Have to love a CAR-15 with an ACOG and thermal imaging when the sun goes down....
Some insurance companies lower your insurance if you have an alarm installed.

I have State Farm. They don't give any discount for alarm systems.:mad:
Trunk Monkey all da way baby! :)

Oh wait, we don't have a trunk. LOL

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ee3L9BQQ4Gs&feature=youtube_gdata]YouTube - Trunk Monkey[/ame]
I have a pretty good integrated anti-theft device: there are much nicer bikes in my parking garage without alarm system! That being said, I always use a caliper lock on my bike. Might not do all that much, but it would deter theives. I also pin my bike up against the wall using my car, making getting the bike out of parking spot very difficult...

I have a pretty good integrated anti-theft device: there are much nicer bikes in my parking garage without alarm system! That being said, I always use a caliper lock on my bike. Might not do all that much, but it would deter theives. I also pin my bike up against the wall using my car, making getting the bike out of parking spot very difficult...

I go with the safety in numbers theory. If I have to park it on the street or in a public parking lot, I try and park next to other motorcycles and put on my disc lock. I figure, hopefully, they will find the other bikes to be easier to steal then deal with my disc lock.
