What would you have done?


Elite Member
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I wrecked because of a situation exactly like that, I was on my first bike a Suzuki v-strom dl-650, I hadn't been riding for very long at the time but the only things that were different was the turn was a little shaper and longer, and it was at night. But I did the same leaned it back up but since the turn was sharper and longer I kept drifting towards the edge of the freshly paved road with about a 5" soft shoulder. By the time I was off the road the turn was finished and I was still on two wheels and going straight and the last thing I remember was seeing a speed limit sign about 25yds directly in my path. Going back to look at the crash site the next day I figured I tried to jerk the bike back on the road when I saw the sign, and by looking at the skid marks and chunks taken out of the asphalt it looks like the rear of the bike lost traction came around in a lowside and then the bike caught and flipped and landed on the opposite side, luckily the custom made side boxes , and givi engine guards took most of the damage. Although the handle bars were all bent up, hand guards busted, clutch lever broke in half and the left side controls were all busted up as well. I still rode her home, barely. Luckily I was fully geared and since then I am always geared. But I think that's one of the worst situations you can be in when riding I think you handled it perfectly!!!
You had quite a bit of room to avoid him, I agree with Dart, don't panic and brake/target fix. Avoid like you did and you'll be fine. I've had someone completely in my lane and chose to go on the shoulder since there was traffic behind him.
Same thing happens with animals too, just maneuver to avoid to keep yourself in one piece.
Needless to say I had to take a breather and check my undies lol

@Dart, I've almost taken the ditch as an option for deer, but luckily have been able to stop each time. I have had to just plow through a fox/coyote before though...
wow james doesnt look like you had much time to react at all, glad he wasn't too far into your lane and made you panic into something! truck was probably adjusting radio or on a cell :disapprove:
I would say that you did okay but this is the very reason that I ride with my high beam on during the day. make yourself all the more visible.................

But this is why I ride toward the sides of turns like this. I don't like being near the center of the road at all....
You did the right thing, moved over. I would have been on the horn. We see a lot of pickups across the center line up here.
Good luck with your surgery,
I would have done exactly the same as you. Made a safe and gentle/controlled directional change to avoid the truck and not crash the bike.

Then I would have hit the stoppen me clampers really hard and turned around and caught up to the truck and by then have my nerves and voice under control to ask him calmly why he swerved over a double yellow line and almost killed me.

His answer would decide his fate.
Really wasn't that bad. I would have done exactly what you done and moved over to the far right of the lane quickly.

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