Utah Trip in September


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Elite Member
Day 1 San Diego to Vegas
Day 2 Vegas to a little town called Panguitch Ut.
Day 3 Panguitch to Moab - We'll spend 2 days in Moab riding around the parks there.
Day 6 Go from Moab to Page Arizona by way of Mexican Hat
Day 7 Page to Phoenix by way of Flagstaff
Day 8 Phoenix to Yuma
Day 9 Yuma back home to SD.

We're going to try and take as many back roads as we can as you can see if you look close to the detail on the map. But when we just need to get to one place to another we'll have to slab it. My dad has a Harley Davidson atlas that we'll have with us that's got all kinds of cool things to stop and see on it and all kinds of other back roads etc...

Looks like an awesome trip bro! I have not ridden that part of the country...yet. I look forward to the pics and report.
Nice! Sounds like it's going to be fun. :)

One of my friends rode from LA to Vegas and said they had to rent a car & trailer their bikes back cuz they were so tired from all the mileage. lol
Well, he didn't cop to it. But my guess is they partied too much in Vegas. And they were prolly too hung over to ride back safely. LOl
When in Moab - Ride Highway 128

Maybe it's already on your route agenda when you get to Moab, but Highway 128 (aka the river road) is a great ride. It starts just north of Moab and follows the Colo River. Ride out about 25 miles (+/-) until the road turns north and away from the river and then back track the same route back to Moab. Great scenery and several Hollywood westerns were filmed in this area. Best in the morning or evening when the sunlight hits the rock formations. Watch out for the Mtn Bikers the first 5 miles or so.

Sounds like a great trip!

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