Too Young?


New Member
Alright guys, I'm 16 years old and I have a 2011 FZ6R. I've had numerous people tell me I am too young to be riding, too young to ride a 600, too young yada yada yada... My question to you fellow riders, is 16 too young to be riding, or riding this bike? I have experience on dirtbikes, took the MSF course, and I've been riding my 6R for over two months now with no accidents or anything. Would you feel hesitant to ride with me or no? Just curious on everyones take on young riders :thumbup:
Its all about how mature you are and from your post you seem pretty mature. You have taken the MSF which is a very good thing! As long as you do not let peer pressure get to you, you will be fine.

DO NOT try and show off for any girls or anyone for that matter. When you dump that pretty bike you will feel like a total douche in front of everyone! Just take it easy and stay safe.

Would indeed ride with you as long as you are being safe. Choose the people you ride with carefully! Dont ride with show offs, etc. Will just get you killed.
Its all about how mature you are and from your post you seem pretty mature. You have taken the MSF which is a very good thing! As long as you do not let peer pressure get to you, you will be fine.

DO NOT try and show off for any girls or anyone for that matter. When you dump that pretty bike you will feel like a total douche in front of everyone! Just take it easy and stay safe.

Would indeed ride with you as long as you are being safe. Choose the people you ride with carefully! Dont ride with show offs, etc. Will just get you killed.

Well to get my endorsement in FL you have to take the MSF, but I would have either way. My mom was the one that financed the bike for me and was EXTREMELY hesitant on doing so. But she's been a lot more calm because she sees how I ride and that Im ATGATT and ride responsibly.

I don't really "show off" but occasionally will crack open the throttle for personal enjoyment haha. Sadly, I have no one to ride with though :/
Alright guys, I'm 16 years old and I have a 2011 FZ6R. I've had numerous people tell me I am too young to be riding, too young to ride a 600, too young yada yada yada... My question to you fellow riders, is 16 too young to be riding, or riding this bike? I have experience on dirtbikes, took the MSF course, and I've been riding my 6R for over two months now with no accidents or anything. Would you feel hesitant to ride with me or no? Just curious on everyones take on young riders :thumbup:
There is a reason why for example, motocross racers start so young and are as good as can be at quite young ages, albeit that they are the "world's best" in the twenties.
The reason is lack of fear. Our brains simply develop "concern" as we age and as our brains develop. The brain is still developing in your teens and is beginning to seperate emotion from logic. The young teenage brain is still very much wired around emotion.
That being said, everyone is different and your judgement and maturity may be very well suited for street riding.
ATGATT, be safe and have fun!

You're fine! I start riding at 6. Age have nothing to do with being responsible. I see older people doing stupid stuff everyday. Drive within your skills and it's gonna be all good.

Kids today are too pamper! It's ok to take calculated risk and hurt yourself every now and then. You have no idea how many time I low side or high side my dirt bike. It didn't kill me... just kept going.

If you didn't lay her down in your first two month you're fine, just don't get over confident and respect your machine... she'll be good to you.

Good words my friend!

Hopefully in the near future I will be looking into one of your exhausts as well ;)
Well if you ask me any one your age (16) and took a MSF course,and rode dirt bikes BEFORE riding a street bike and wears ATGATT, is MATURE enough...period. BTW I got my first bike,,a Honda CB 750 when I was 21. Never even knew how to ride.
Well if you ask me any one your age (16) and took a MSF course,and rode dirt bikes BEFORE riding a street bike and wears ATGATT, is MATURE enough...period. BTW I got my first bike,,a Honda CB 750 when I was 21. Never even knew how to ride.

Thanks man :thumbup:

I've rode dirtbikes since I was 7 or so. First time I ever rode a streetbike was my uncles Triumph Sprint ST, when I was 13 hahaha!
I was about that age when I stole my Dad KZ1000 for a ride. He laugh when he find out. All he ask me is how fast... I told him 200K! He hide is key afterward... lol :D

hahahaha nice job! The only vehicle I stole from my parents was my dad's Ram, and I just drove it around the block too lol.

Don't pay attention to the age claims, but have you the answer for these questions ?

1. What riding books have you read about motorcycles ?
2. Are you e member of a group ( lots of them on ) where you are having conversations with fellow riders ?
3. What are the major causes of motorcycle accidents ?
4. What is your strategy to improve your technique?

I could be looking at this from the wrong angle. If you don't have answers to these questions. You could be 50 and still to immature for a motorcycle. Plus you would miss all the goodies of riding the fz6r to the fullest.
personally, I think 16 is a less risk taking age than 18 - I didn't start driving cars like a fool until my senior year.

I was out on the twisties one day and a Husband and wife pulled up on heavy cruisers, then a third bike, and out of the helmet popped a young little ~16 yr old gal. I was suprised, but thought, 'cool, she is learning right'.

Well, don't let the comments bother you, but more importantly don't become a maniacal jackass at age 18 cause you got skills, skills only go so far if you ride too fast on the streets (e.g. cager fools).
i've seen some riders at 30 that were too young.

i've seen some riders at 18 that were not too young.

it all depends on how straight you have your head on.
Dude, I would've been a pimp riding a bike at 16. that being said, don't do anything stupid! Ride Safe :thumbup:
Well since Im young as well, and can speak from a youthful perspective at this time...WE ARE TOO YOUNG!!! hahaha:steve: Im young, ignorant, and I'm still almost completely convinced that I am invincible. This being said I will admit that I ride very aggressively and I show off (especially to the women ;) even when Im riding alone, I will stand up and surf my bike, or pop the clutch, or double the speed limit... I hope nobody is about to hate on my honesty :/
Well since Im young as well, and can speak from a youthful perspective at this time...WE ARE TOO YOUNG!!! hahaha:steve: Im young, ignorant, and I'm still almost completely convinced that I am invincible. This being said I will admit that I ride very aggressively and I show off (especially to the women ;) even when Im riding alone, I will stand up and surf my bike, or pop the clutch, or double the speed limit... I hope nobody is about to hate on my honesty :/

Just know your limits, and try not going to far outside of them... I too ride very hard at times, only you can pick your battles. :)
Just know your limits, and try not going to far outside of them... I too ride very hard at times, only you can pick your battles. :)

well said. Today I went on a ride and this guy on his ninja 250 with not much experience stopped and turned around mid ride. to each his own ride!
Alright guys, I'm 16 years old and I have a 2011 FZ6R. I've had numerous people tell me I am too young to be riding, too young to ride a 600, too young yada yada yada... My question to you fellow riders, is 16 too young to be riding, or riding this bike? I have experience on dirtbikes, took the MSF course, and I've been riding my 6R for over two months now with no accidents or anything. Would you feel hesitant to ride with me or no? Just curious on everyones take on young riders :thumbup:

Ok, I am the mother of 2 young riders :D
My husband and I started riding 5 yrs ago (my husband had always ridden, but let his endorsement go so he took the course with me), my oldest son took the MSF course and bought an FZ6, 4 yrs ago at 23. Him I would not have trusted with a bike at 16.
My other son I signed up for the MSF 3 months after he got his drivers license (he needed parental permission slip to go, and the course was only $50 if you are under 18). He rode my 250 ninja until he could save up money to buy his SV650.
I have 2 daughters, one is 24 the other is 16... my 24 yr old (out on her own, with job etc) has been thinking about riding, and my 16 yr old daughter wants badly to ride with us, so she will probably be allowed to get her endorsement at 17 after her drivers license is issued.
My youngest son is now 19, he is a good rider, and has all the confidence I wish I could have. He rides a lot with us on day rides, that we finish at a restaurant as a family dinner.
He has dumped his bike twice, once when he squeezed the front brake only while going slowly down a curvy hill which took him down in a heartbeat, and another time he approached a corner too fast, it was raining and the bike slipped out from under him. Good thing he bought a used bike that had been dumped, because he just added more scrapes, and had to replace a few levers and pedals.... and he had gear on that saved his skin, literally.
My oldest son now 27, is very good rider as well, filled with confidence, and tries things I don't know that I ever want to do. That said, I don't ever ride with him and his friends.... they don't do the type of riding that is enjoyable to me. I only go with him when we are by aourselves, and he teases me about being a granny.
Wonder if your parents are interested in riding? We have had some of the most enjoyable family times when we have gone riding. My youngest daughter rides on the back. Oldest daughter has usually been working when we've gone.
I think it all depends on you, and whether you can keep your head about you and not always have to compete with friends etc.
Save up for a track day or two, and make the track your outlet for extreme speed while you gain confidence on what your bike can do.
Just don't be a dumbass, and you should be ok.
