This sucks.....


New Member
My riding season may be done for this year. Have had very sore right knee from a fall at work a few weeks ago and hasn't been getting any better. Went to the doc Friday afternoon to get it checked out, scheduled me for a MRI this morning. Called this afternoon with the results, yea! Partially separated ACL:(. Being sent to an orthopedic specialist to look into it more and what to do to fix me. Gettin old sucks, the body isn't as forgiving as it used to be. Hopefully it won't be that bad.
Sorry man... :( hope ya get better quick.
sucks to hear. i tore my acl and mcl before. no fun. take time to do physical therapy if you planning to do surgury
Sorry to hear that! Hopefully it heals up without too much issue. I have an MRI for my knee on Mon so I understand that feeling :(
Sorry to hear, heal up quick.
Here's a story the will make you feel better. A month ago I was taking the bridge out over a small creek on my place and I cut the deck down the middle with a chain saw and then for some strange reason I walked out on it and fell though down into the creek( I'm like,that was an old man move). Screwed up a couple ribs in my chest. Getting older has it's problems. I hope you heal fast.:D
Sorry to hear about this man.. Knee problems suck. I've had multi xrays and MRI's on my right knee and finally found out what is wrong with mine after 8+ years. I have Chondromalacia Patella, took 8+ years and hundreds of dollars (after med ins) to figure it out. I've done PT, never helped, so now I just deal with the pain and popping that I have.

Definitely take the time to heal up before you get back out there!
Thank you for all the support. Hopefully I'll know more soon. Dealing with the workers comp insurance people is more of a pain than my knee. It's nice how they treat you like your a criminal trying to rip them off. Really does anyone remember the day and time and type of any injury you've ever had in your life, because that might be related to your current injury. So if you've put a band aid on that knee when you were 10 years old because you wrecked your bicycle....well that probably weakened it so we may have to deny the claim.:bsflag:

hope the doctors treat it correctly and get u back on the saddle soon. it might take some minor surgery followed by a few months of physical therapy. but, u will be ok. stay positive. :)
