Summer riding - Hydration

Do you ride with a hydration system?

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A bottle in the luggage work food for me, camel pack in my tank bag for ling ride with few stop.

Im a runner... Training in Florida during summer time make you learn fast. First of all, if you are thirsty... You are too late... Didnt drink enough. Stack on salty snack a bit the day before, you will retain more water and just like people said, drink. Water only is good for about 45 min of hard cardio. Make it 1-2 hrs maybe on the bike. After that you need some electrlite... Gatorade.

Doesnt need to be a science project here... Bottom line is when you do long ride sont wait until you get thirsty to drink... A little sip here and there will so the job.

Here Here! :thumbup:
I don't ride with water, but maybe I should. I'm in SoCal and it does get hot. I took the Air Force's water survival school (as a civilian) 20 years ago. The instructor said that if you wait until you're thirsty to drink, you're already dehydrated. He also said that if your pee is yellow, you're dehydrated.

I use a Camelbak while hang gliding. I've noticed that even if I'm not really feeling dehydrated, drinking water perks up my energy level and mental focus. That sounds useful for riding as well.

We are always interested in pics!

I will snap a few photos then later tonight and post them up. Stand by... :)

I think anyone that rides with a 1-piece suit w/ an external speed hump & cannot wear a Camelbak will -love- my hydro setup.

Took me a while to figure out how to get it to work. But, I love it. :)
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Ok, here are a few pix of the KLIM hydration system I use... I removed the bulky plastic fastener & use Velcro tape to seal the opening. I measured & cut the tube length so that it's long enough to reach past my collar and fold under my suit collar. I also added a Monster cable velcro tie on the loop at the top, and it fits perfectly inside my suit liner in upright position. The drinking tube intake is at the bottom, so gravity ensures the fluid flows. I fill it with about 10-16 fluid oz of water and suit up. It works great. No leaks and it's not bulky at all. Some ppl even thought that I have a reservoir in my speed hump when I zip open the top of my suit for a sip of water at breaks. It's very simple and it works. :)



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The trick to making this system work well is not over-filling the reservoir.

For a two hour ride, typically 12-16 fluid ounces of water is sufficient. U can fill it more but it gets slightly bulkier. But water moves & conforms to the shape of its container. So inside the pouch it's never too bulky. :)

Luckily with the new bike, I have a lot of storage. So I have several bottles of water just in case I am riding with others, or go on a longer ride.
