Sold the 8... (New bike, Bandit 1200s!)

Latest is that if he does not have someone offer him asking price by thursday night, he will let me have it Friday morning for $2500. I would be stoked with that! Can't go wrong for $2500.

Will still be looking for others in the mean time.
The Bandit or the SV would be a good bike. Just think about our 242 runs with the Bandit though...??

Thought about that... Would strip the bags off for lighter weight. Seems they can do mighty well in the tight stuff... :D

[ame=""]Bandit 1200 on the track @ Streets of Willow - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]bandit 1200 mountain run1 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Cadwell Lap on Bandit 1200 - YouTube[/ame]

Bandit owner is the only one that has actually got back to me and answered all my questions. I am going to stay firm on the $2500 price though. So if someone offers more, then it just wasnt meant to be. More bikes will pop up :)
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Doesn't seem to do too bad on the twisties! Definitely seems like a good deal, especially with all the extras!

With all the interest he is getting, not sure I will get it. Dont see any reason why someone would not offer the asking amount. But if it is meant to be then I will get it for the $2500. If not then I keep looking. Have a bit of time left still.
Makes all the right noises. A lot of new bikes are too damn quiet and refined, I like a raw sound in my bike. That guy at willow was obviously very good, did you see him pass that SS guy dragging a knee!
Makes all the right noises. A lot of new bikes are too damn quiet and refined, I like a raw sound in my bike. That guy at willow was obviously very good, did you see him pass that SS guy dragging a knee!

Yeah, that guy was damn good and I think he has been around that track before. Good luck with getting the Bandit Jay. It looks like a nice ride.
Yeah, that guy was damn good and I think he has been around that track before. Good luck with getting the Bandit Jay. It looks like a nice ride.

Thanks! :D He has not responded to an email I set him this morning, so maybe its gone... Dunno. Crazy there is not much bikes at all out there right now. There was TONS when i wasnt actually ready to buy and now its all dried up! That is not good for a VERY impatient person.
He let me know he has a full price offer on it. So will see if it goes through or not. He will let me know Friday morning.
OK! So the guy that offered full price was too short for the bike! I go tomorrow to pick her up! Pretty stoked! Touring machine and stripped down a nice canyon carver. Super easy valve adjustments/maintenance, and LOTS of goodies. My buddy has some tires that only have 500 miles on them he will hook me up with for a good price if they are the same size.

$2500! Should last me a few years at least! If anything, I can sell again for what I paid for it, or part it out and make some good money back. That GIVI bag setup alone is worth some bucks!





Congrats!!! Too bad I won't be able to go with ya to pick her up...

Yeah... My pops will go with me. You will see her shortly as long as there are no surprises when I get there. :cool:
