So I got to try out those emergency MSF course maneuvers today


Lord Humongous
Elite Member


New Member
funny isn't it. I mean shouldn't we start pushing for all MSF emergency maneuvers to start with "1) Apply horn" :)

I can never remember to hit that darn horn when I need to.


Lord Humongous
Elite Member


New Member
I kind of wish the horn was applied with a very firm grip on the left handlebar grip, instead of that tiny little button.


New Member
nice job.

on a side note, i found myself on a few occasions, pressing the horn instead of the starter. :banghead:

atleast you didn't do the opposite.


New Member
We rapidly approached a red light, and when he came up on me he was apologizing left and right.

This driver was experienced as he has probably done this before and was raped by a Harley Rider for making the lane change and didn't want to repeat the process. He got lucky with a Sport Bike Rider;)


New Member
I got a few of good things out of it...but in general, my instructor was a dick. There were two, and they played good cop/bad cop. One guy was great, the other had a major ego.

Mine was also the advanced course.

For 100 bucks, hey, even if I got ONE good habit out of it, it's worth it.



New Member
Good job staying alive, Madmike.

A long time ago in a rage far, far away I had a similar incident, and I was less diplomatic than you. I got pissed as the person was merging into me so I kicked their door HARD with my big-buckled Harley boots. I still feel kinda bad for denting/scratching his door...


New Member
I'm glad I'm not the only one who never remembers the horn is there when it's needed. The one time I went to use it, I did the same thing as you Mike, used my right hand and ended up hitting the elec. start.

Great job though Mike. My MSF training kicked in once when I ended up locking my rear brake. I kept that thing locked so tight Brinks would have been proud.
