shifting 1st and 2nd


New Member
alright, i know i seen it on here before, but i couldnt find it back.

others have mentioned when shifting into 1st and 2nd that it 'clunks' or doesnt want to go in easily.
if i remember right, it got better after they had it serviced. am i remembering right or am i just peranoid and should get over the rough gear changes.
sorry for the newb question.
Ya ive herd some people say that its fixed after service but for me i get it when i do a bad shift !
i notice it alot if im sitting still in neutral and when i shift down into 1st to take off, still on the clutch, it 'double clunks' going into gear.
You remember correctly. It gets better after the first service, but it won't go away. I find that shifting from 2nd to 1st is the smoothest when I'm coming to a stop and rolling at about 10-12 mph. The other gears shift smoothly.
It will generally feel better after the first service, simply because of the oil change. The clutch uses the same oil as the engine, so when your oil is getting dirty and old, you will notice rougher shifts. New oil means cleaner shifts.
Better after first service but now I am about 2800 miles into the first service and its coming back, my next chance will be AMSOIL I think..
Better after first service but now I am about 2800 miles into the first service and its coming back, my next chance will be AMSOIL I think..

thats ok, ive got 65 miles total on the bike. i might end up changing the oil early and going w/ something else.
I was thinking the EXACT thing when riding to work yesterday. I'm about ready to go in for my first service, and the shifting from 1st to 2nd has gotten quite 'clunky'. I've really got to ram it up hard to bypass neutral cleanly. Like others who've posted here, 2-6 is no problem but still requires more forcefulness then I'm used to.

I certainly hope it gets better with the first service. I might go ahead and request Synthetic.
It will get better with time. A engine is not completely broken in until about 7000 miles more or less depending on the bike and how its been ridden. My last bike took about 7000, the one before that one around 5500 now I'm sitting at 4000 on the FZ6R and its starting to feel looser now, but still have some braking to do left. Shifting will get better with time how much? Good question, Yamaha is not well known for smooth shifting trannys. That does not mean is not good is just not the best out there. Also remember due to space and weight limits motorcycle trannys are not as smooth as a car.
I was also noticing this same issue so I ended up changing my oil to Mobile One Synthetic and it may be a placebo effect but it seems to be working a bit better now.
actually i think i figured it out. newb at his best......

my dad told me that i was letting off the throttle to much.
i was basically dropping the throttle and shifting, now i just keep a little bit
of throttle in it and it slides right in. dont know if its my imagination or not but its working.

Somthing I have learned is higher RPM shifts are almost always smooth, so I have been taking it above 6000rpm alot more often, any lower and it seems to want to fight..

Could it have anything to do with the shift linkage being out of spec, I noticed yesterday you can actually adjust it..
