Sad news for me... :(


New Member
I just crashed my bike at low speeds into a corner :(. Im ok but my bike's left side got damaged :( . I was wondering what would be cheaper, to paint my fairings or just buy new ones. It sucks Because i haveo nly had the bike for a month or so.
So sorry to hear about the spill :(

What went wrong in the turn?

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glad you're ok! did you have frame sliders? might be a good time to invest in em

Well I was taking a tight turn and there was dirt and leaves right on the curve and tire markings, from what i could tell was that a car fell in there and getting out of it pushed all this shit onto the road :( there where trees in the way, by the time i was taking the curve it was too late for me to brake. :(:(
Yea I should get some. But for now i gotta figure out what would be my best options, either try to find the left fairing in white or maybe painting my fairings, or buying new ones, ... Dont know :( alteast the turn signals i was gonna change them anyways.
Welcome to the "people who have gone down" crew lol. Good thing ur ok, if the bike damage is just cosmetic don't sweat it. I bought my 6r brand new went down week 2 doing Stoppies lol. I'm still riding around with my scratched fairing and It looks badass. Or so I like to tell myself lol
Sorry about the wreck...

First, glad you're ok -- fairings are replaceable...
Might try here -- seem to be available in white both with and without decals, however, these are the entire fairing kit (at a decent price for the entire set):

FZ6R fairing | eBay
Sorry about the mishap :( But at least u didn't get seriously hurt... I know we always say that, but it's so true... The bike is fixable. The human body- much more difficult.

Friend of mine went down about 3 weeks ago not wearing gear and his knee is really, really f'd up. 20+ stitches chipped to the bone. He posted pix on FB and scared/ grossed the shit outta everyone beyond. My guess is he's going to have some permanent nerve damage and phantom pain for years. plus now he an barely get to school or to work. What a simple $80 pair of CE knee guards could've prevented.

So, always try to see the brighter side when these mishaps happen. It's part of the learning process and don't feel bad. You survived. :)

That said, the damage to your bike doesn't look too bad and is just all cosmetic. You're looking at prolly close to a grand total if you also replace the bar end, mirror, clutch pedal, and clutch lever, as I'm guessing those got damaged too?

If you have time, you can buy the parts & fix most of it yourself. If you have the dealer fix it they should be able to have u up and running in a few days. Plus, they'll do a full safety check on it for u.

Either way, definitely get some frame sliders. I think the GYTR and Shogun crash kits should be good. I think the shogun also includes bar end sliders.

Keep us posted.

Some sites that sell oem parts with diagram:

Thanks for all the replies fellas. I already have turn signals on the way and some other stuff, im only waiting on a good deal on the left fairing and I can paint the black cover, the other scratches and little stuff i can live with for now heh. When I crashed the clutch pedal got bent 180 degress all the way back i spent like 30 min trying to get it to where its now so i could ride the bike back home, thankfully the engine and everything else is intact, I will take it for a full checkup prob next week.
Antedev, sorry about the crash.

If you're looking to spend as little as possible, you could try repainting it yourself with Rustoleum (Tremclad) paint. It sounds crazy, but you can use a foam roller to roll on some Tremclad, and the results will be very good. I've never done it, but there are lots of testimonials of people doing it.

Sand the old fairing until the rash is smooth. Roll on some white Tremclad thinned with mineral spirits. Do another coat. Wet sand it. Repeat. You're done. The whole thing will cost you just a few dollars and a few hours.

Here's how one guy did it...

How to paint your car for $50 - - Car Forums

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