Riding on Dirt


I'm movin on
Elite Member
I spent an entire day thrashing a Honda CRF230 on some amazing forest trails a few weeks ago. Riding very aggressively, I ended up using very little brakes. I slowed down almost entirely with engine braking. I'd read about using engine braking while on gravel/dirt and was a bit skeptical. But after putting it into practice, it's amazingly easy to control the bike with engine braking combined with good throttle control.

Agree with JonKerr about not touching the front brake.
How good are you on the pegs? I had mine in loose dirt and sand, a bunch. I would say yes, stay off the front brake as much as possible, and sometimes the gas is good, have fun with it.
I spent an entire day thrashing a Honda CRF230 on some amazing forest trails a few weeks ago. Riding very aggressively, I ended up using very little brakes. I slowed down almost entirely with engine braking. I'd read about using engine braking while on gravel/dirt and was a bit skeptical. But after putting it into practice, it's amazingly easy to control the bike with engine braking combined with good throttle control.

Agree with JonKerr about not touching the front brake.

75% of my braking is done via engine braking. I only touch the brakes if need be.
Ended up gettin pushed a lil wide on the turn in by a minivan, ended up dropping it as we dug into a side sand mound. Wife landed on our backpack on her back. I got a bruise on my knee. Bike is fine. Still have to ride out of this place.

Don't get discouraged, remember that the more speed you have the more stable the bike is but you have to find that balance of how much speed is enough to maintain control without being out of control.
dirty weekends

I love a little dirt - no front brake, slow early watch surface i.e avoid really soft stuff as much as possible, use throttle to steady bike if you are losing traction.
Its OK if real wheel is side to side as long as the front isn't. Stay loose, your real wheel is your friend. Enjoy it

ps Pillion is probably not an option

Yow, thats gunna be very sore. Hope you got ice on that. Your best bet is like these guys said, engine brake a lot, also dont turn quickly on very loose stuff. That will land you on the ground faster than anything.

My driveway is 1/4mile long of nothing but loose gravel, and it can be a little scary at times, just gotta keep as straight up and down as possible, and to try to find the most packed down area possible.
