Remove FZ6R


New Member
Anyone know how you remove the FZ6R on the DB windscreen? I dont want to use anything corrosive but figured id ask if anyone has done it
I have no idea, but if you figure it out let me know haha
Anyone know how you remove the FZ6R on the DB windscreen? I dont want to use anything corrosive but figured id ask if anyone has done it

I believe that it is Special High Intensity Tack
Anyone know how you remove the FZ6R on the DB windscreen? I dont want to use anything corrosive but figured id ask if anyone has done it

Is it a decal? My first thought would be Naptha. Whatever you use, make sure to pick out a spot on the screen that you don't mind gets a little effed up, and dab a small amount of solvent on there, make sure it doesn't do anything funky to the lexan. You don't want to cloud the windscreen, I assume.

A hair dryer plus fingernail might work well also, just be sure not to get the screen too hot.
To get mine off, i sprayed some adhesive remover specially made to use on polycarbonate and other plastics. Then i used my fingernail to carefully scrape away the edges. Little by little the sticker started to come off, but it was a pain and took a lot of repeat steps. Spray, scrape with fingernail, spray, wipe, repeat. Pain in the rear!

My wife is an optician and she uses acetone to remove marker from polycarbonate lenses. I'd try a spot on the inside at the bottom as a tester.
