Put a face to your name....


OMG! My head looks HUGE!!!

Fairly recent pic. However , I've been rocking a buzzed haircut since its just so much easier not having to style my hair in the morning before work and I don't have to worry about helmet hair! lol

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The first one is me and my little girl at the zoo. The second is my little girl with me one day at the dealership and she wanted one of every kind of bike in the store, which she also had to sit on of course!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!
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Damn I can't delete the two pics at the bottom of my last post oh sorry for double pics:(

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!
The little lady and myself. Was at an Australia day beach cricket comp in the carpark of a pub (yes... this is how we celebrate our national day)

The only pic of me play hockey (roller... not much ice here). This is pre-digi camera days. I'm the goalie playing for my state in under 18 national tournament.
